Key Success Factors Reflective Essay Sample

📌Category: Philosophy
📌Words: 431
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 18 June 2022

“There are no great limits to growth because there are no limits to human intelligence, imagination, and wonder, states Ronald Regan.” Innate intelligence doesn't determine a person's ability to achieve success because of positive mindsets, consistent practice, and do. Intelligence is always growing by various factors in life, not genetics itself.

To begin with, many might have heard the saying “practice makes perfect”, but truly with good practice as well success can be achieved. For example, “In a study done by psychologist K. Anders Ericsson proved that the ones who practice more at their skill are ranked higher than those who don’t.(Gladwell para 2).” So, the higher one is classified the more successful they are because they will be awarded more opportunities than those with lower rankings. The ones who put the minimum effort into their skill are less likely to be recognized for their talents because they have not practiced as much as the professionals. Also, “For the practice to be useful researchers state 10,000 hours of practice is needed for a high level of talent (Hinds para 4).” The ones who have practiced their skill for at least 10,000 hours have been able to make it to a high ranking in their skill. Further, the more practice one can get the better one is at the skill.

Next, mindsets play a big role in success, fixed mindset could lead to underestimating oneself to success that could be achieved. For example, “In a study done in 2007, at Columbia and Stanford University by psychologists, it proved that students without a fixed mindset did better at a math test than those with fixed mindsets ( The Origin Of Intelligence para 12).” The ones who did better were ready to grow from their mistakes, whereas the ones with a fixed mindset believed their intelligence could not grow further. With better grades, the students who did better could get more job opportunities resulting in a successful career. In other words, one does not have to be born with innate talent to do better, rather have a growth mindset.

On the other hand, some might argue that genetics determine one’s intelligence. For example, “People use comparative IQ scores to argue that one group of people is superior to another ( Origin Of Intelligence para 14).” This argument may show that one’s identity could affect intelligence, but it is not set in place. This argument could be because of many other factors that could come into play such as environments and surroundings . Furthermore,“ The Flynn effect developed by Cornell University, shows that the world intelligence rate is increasing gradually. Meaning, with a nourishing and encouraging environment there is no doubt one will be on the right track for success.

In conclusion, consistent practice, a positive mindset, and an encouraging environment determine one’s success.

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