Prison Reform Free Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Crime
đź“ŚWords: 519
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 03 October 2022

To know better is to do better" and "A wise man will change, and a fool never will", are quotes that should be taken seriously and applied to everyone's life. Each of these quotes provides encouragement, guidance, a life lesson, and reform. Everybody makes mistakes, but everybody does not learn from their mistakes. Repeat making mistakes or offenses indicates a lack of self-discipline, leading to imprisonment. A prison is a place of confinement for the punishment and reforming of criminals. Over the years, the system developed to help reform prisoners has not been extremely successful at establishing the program and activities necessary to promote rehabilitation. As in society, prisoners continue to commit crimes like dealing drugs, destroying state property, and stealing and receive little to no punishment.

First of all, drug dealing is one of the most serious crimes being committed behind the prison walls. The availability of drugs increases when there is a drug dealer, drug smuggler, and drug supplier, so there is no problem obtaining drugs. Almost any drug of choice can be found, for example, mojo, marijuana, liquid amphetamine, crystal meth, and more. Unsure of how drugs have been brought into the prisons, periodically facilities shakedowns are conducted, often recovering thousands of dollars worth of illegal drugs from prisoners. Most likely the prisoner who is dealing drugs committed the same offense in society, which may be the reason for his incarceration.  Often receiving a light punishment.

Another crime committed in prison is stealing. For most offenders this crime is a way of life, survival is the name.  Prisoners are known for stealing food from the kitchen, and medical supplies from the infirmary, and they also steal from other prisoners; for example, clothing, shoes, electronics, as well as sanitary supplies like tissue, razors, and soap. Truth being told anything of value can be stolen. The stolen items can be used as a form of collateral to pay off a debt or sell.  Instead of reporting items stolen, offenders will take matters into their own hands.   To receive punishment, one must get caught.

 Lastly, the destruction of state property is a misdemeanor crime that is common in prisons, and in most cases cannot be prevented.  All offenders are considered state property, therefore, anything that is done to an offender's body such as tattoos and piercings will be considered destruction of state property. Receiving a tattoo in prison is popular but not sanitary. . Upon arrival to prison, offenders are issued clothing, which is state property. According to the prison policy altering, state-issued clothing is not prohibited. Despite prison rules and consequences, inmates customize their state-issued clothing, altering the leg of pants making skinny legs, sweat pants to joggers, and ripping jeans. 

In conclusion, prisoners who commit crimes such as drug dealing, destroying state property, and stealing should be punished accordingly. The crimes committed in society should not be prohibited in prison. The structure has to be implemented to gain control in the prisons.  From there, starting by rewarding good behavior, next provide classes that will help develop social skills, interviewing, computer skills, trade school, and more. Make the classes mandatory, not allowing offenders to have the option of refusing. Providing classes and programs that aid in rehabilitation can lessen the chance of some offenders returning to prison. Because of prison reform, some offenders may become a law-abiding citizens.

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