Respect Your Parents Essay Example

📌Category: Family, Interpersonal relationship, Sociology
📌Words: 1391
📌Pages: 6
📌Published: 24 August 2022

Respect is one of the most essential things in a relationship. To have a good relationship, you must learn to communicate and compromise. Respect and trust are not gained fast; it takes time and effort to establish these building blocks of a relationship.

One part of respect is knowing your role in the relationship. As a child, you have to understand that you are not the person in charge. When talking to your parents, you should give them your undivided attention. This shows that now you are giving them your all in trying to understand what they are telling you.

Respecting their decisions is a very important tool for showing respect. When they say no, it means no at the time. If you want an explanation, it's best not to do it right away. Give it some time, and politely ask them why they decided that way and what they thought you could do. 

As a teenager, one of the best things you can do is be grateful for what has been given to you. Even small gestures such as saying please and thank you can have a big impact. Be glad for their advice too. They have lived longer than you and know a lot more. Your parents are here to guide you through your youth, and they know what is best for you more often than not. 

Doing small things when not asked is a way of respecting your parents. For example, if you see the dishes need to be done and your dad has been too busy to do them, Even if they are not your dishes, you could do them to be nice.

Understanding different perspectives can help you see what they see. Respecting other people's opinions is a skill that you will need throughout your life. Trying to respect your parents is a good way to practice. Just because you choose to understand where your parents come from does not mean that you lose your opinion. It is just a way of making it known that you respect them and their rules, but just want to see where they are coming from.

Treasure their advice. Most things that you are going through, your parents have already experienced. For this reason, it is important to realize that they have judgment and knowledge that should be respected. When they see that you listened to them, it will make them trust you in the future to make good decisions on your own. They give you advice because they love you, and it makes them happy when you take it. Remember that your parents love you. There is no way to measure how much they love you. They will be there for you to guide you and help you overcome any obstacles that you face. As children, it’s easy to forget all they have done in your life. Take a minute to recognize what they do for you.

Following the rules put in place for you is a way to show respect and gain trust. Being young and dumb, we don’t always agree with the rules put in place for us, and we cannot see that they are there for a reason. Trust them when they decide something is for your good. This shows them that you respect their rules. Take a second and think about the consequences. Consider how they might impact you and your relationship with your parents.

Another simple way of showing respect is by not talking back. Backtalking is a disrespectful response to something they say to you. It comes across as you pushing back on their decisions. Learning to control your emotions and reactions shows parents that you respect their authority. Thinking before you speak is a way to eliminate back talk. In the case that you do disrespect your parents, the simple way to show respect is to apologize. Admit that you were wrong in what you said and ask for forgiveness. Sometimes we agree to disagree. Your parents might not always be right, but that does not mean that you need to be disrespectful in proving your point.

Trusting your parents and talking to them shows that you respect their advice and appreciate them helping you out. Whenever something happens, you go to them for their wisdom; it means a lot to them. Allowing them into your life and trusting them is one of the small things that show that you care. 

Try not to complain to your parents. They give you their all and it comes off as ungrateful when you complain. You may not get everything you want, but you have always been there for them. They have given you everything you have. You only get one set of parents. Let them know you love them by thanking them. 

Respect is as easy as saying "yes sir" and "no sir." The small things you do for your parents show the most respect. Everything you do has an effect on their opinion of you and how much they trust you. 

Identifying exactly what trust is hard to do. As defined in the Oxford dictionary, a "firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something." Your goal should be to give your parents a firm belief in you and your reliability. When it comes to your relationship with your parents, trust is everything. If they can’t trust you to make the right decision, then you won’t get the freedom you want. They are responsible for you and your actions. When you are out, you are a reflection of them and their parenting. If they can’t trust that you are a positive reflection of them, it is hard for them to willingly let you go. 

Ways to gain trust are as simple as doing what you say you will do. Being reliable is a sign that you are trustworthy and can handle bigger responsibilities. Small failures may not seem like a big deal, but they add up. Over time, it may show someone that you are untrustworthy. 

The biggest way to be trustworthy is, to tell the truth. It does not matter what the consequences are, being truthful is the only option. One of the most important times to be truthful is when you have something to gain by lying. This shows that you care more about your relationship than whatever the consequences may be. 

If you deceive your parents or break their trust, an apology can only go so far. Actions speak louder than words. The best way to get it back is by showing that you can be trusted with the little things. Even the smallest things like completing your homework or chores without being asked can help.

Omitting information is also a way of being deceitful. When you leave out small details, they may come out in the future. When looking back, they will see that you didn’t give the full story, and it will hurt trust. When you break trust, there is no telling when you will gain it back. It is a very delicate thing, and when you hurt it, it takes time to build it again. Not only do they no longer trust you, but it hurts them. If you lie to someone important to you, it shows that you don't care about your relationship with them. I have learned that the more you break trust, the harder it will be to gain it back. I have learned that through experience, the older you get, the more things you will want to have and do. If you have been doing well with the little things like grades and chores, it’s easy for your parents to say yes. On the other hand, if you mess up constantly, it makes it impossible for them to trust you with the big things. Respecting your parents' rules and wishes will be the most important factor in allowing you to do what you want.

In the end, your relationship is more important than whatever fun you may have that night. It is better to stop and think about what you are doing and make the right decision than to break trust. Once you break that trust, you may never get it back. 

Your parents know the right thing to do most of the time, and they only want you to succeed. They have no reason to hold you back. They want you to become better than they were as kids. Their goal is to make you the best person you can be. If you make that easy for them, you are likely going to get along with them well, but if you make it hard for them, they will be forced to keep you from doing what you like.

Overall, be grateful for everything that is given to you because your parents worked hard for it. Respect their wishes and their rules. Never lie to them, or leave out important details. If you do this, you will have no problems.

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