Security in Public Schools in Laurens County (Free Essay Sample)

📌Category: Education, School
📌Words: 421
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 27 September 2022

In Laurens County, there are 4 public schools, of which three of those are elementary schools. The schools face threats every day by being public schools, you have children from all different types of households going to these schools. Most of the children who go to these public schools are middle to lower class, making life a little harder for their parents and what the children may face at home. The things children might see and do at home can be brought into schools, such as violence, firearms, and poor behavior. Being in Laurens County, we are raised to hunt and taught how to use a gun before we are legally able to purchase a firearm. This increases the danger that is faced with being in public school and how security plays a huge role in children’s safety. 

However, the children are seeing more and more on social media what they can and cannot get away with, not being biased with social media but that is a very large broadcaster for these children who may have these firearms at home. The children that are doing these threats about school shootings that are being sent via Snapchat, Airdrop, or messenger some are doing it as a joke to scare people or because they know that if they do it this way it is anonymous unless they dig to figure out who sent it and by then it may be too late. It is becoming more and more of a problem as the weeks go on in the school year and something must be done about the security. 

As a county there needs to be more security in these schools, the parents do not feel safe sending their children to school knowing how bad these threats are getting. Laurens County High School is a big factor in this, although they have an officer sitting in the building out front to see everyone that is coming in, all you have to say is that you’re dropping someone or something off to a student and then they let you pass. Knowing this, anyone could bring anything into that school, and it would be too late. There are no metal detectors or bag checks, nothing. 

In conclusion, Laurens County and other school districts, need to protect the children of this community and until then the kids that are doing all of the treats, bringing the firearms to school, making hit lists, and acting out on it,  are just going to continue unless they know that the security in these school have improved, even if that does mean getting your bag checked, going through a scan to see what you have, anything to protect these children. At all costs necessary.

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