Should College Be Free Essay Example

📌Category: Education, Higher Education
📌Words: 471
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 13 September 2021

In today’s American society receiving a college education is a necessity. What if college was free as public education K-12 without paying a hefty tuition fee. Others disagree with the idea of a free college education and believe that it won’t solve the crippling student loan debt. Others agree that a college education should be free because said students wouldn’t have to worry about their finances. Why is a college education a necessity? College is a necessity for plenty of reasons considering it can include long-term financial gain, career satisfaction, a stable job, and thrive outside the workplace. As a college graduate, you earn more on average according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Workers with a bachelor's degree earned $468  more per week than workers that only have a high school diploma. Free college education should be available to low-income students and students with particular financial needs.

Why do people agree or disagree with a free college education? People who disagree with free college believe that college may become unimportant in the future not due to it becoming free and seen as a non-necessity. Not everyone is cut out for college, possibly meaning that someone could drop out at any time making it a waste of free tuition money. The quality of a college education could decrease by having a negative outcome on the graduation rate. People that agree that college should be free believe that it can lower financial pressure on students without the worry of paying back tuition. There are social benefits of education that can boost your self-esteem and improve your self-awareness. The diversity at some colleges and universities would increase. College should be free for all four years until they want to further their education like in grad school.  

Students from low-income households should receive a free college education. There are free college tuition programs that are proven to be effective in lessening the system’s ongoing injustice by increasing enrollment in colleges. This will lower the dependence on student loan debt and improve the completion rate. This mainly occurs with first-generation college students. A free college education can help improve their life significantly and possibly help struggling family members so the cycle can continue.  

Students who are in particular financial situations should also receive free college and or some sort of financial aid. Some students who come from middle-class backgrounds don’t have the luxury to pay for college on their own. This occurs because of different family situations where there could be a lot of family members living under one roof resulting in shortcomings in the student’s finances, not having enough to pay for their education. These types of situations should be looked at in a special case setting.      

To conclude college education should be free because it would be able to dispense equal access to educational opportunities, but there should be some limits in place for semi-financially stable students. Free college can create more well-educated people, most likely increasing the job rate and the U.S. economy would thrive.

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