Suburb vs. City Living Essay Example

📌Category: Life, Lifestyle
📌Words: 821
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 19 June 2021

Are you looking for a place to live but having trouble deciding? Are you fresh out of college and wondering about your living options? There is a constant debate about whether cities or suburbs are more ideal for living, however one must recognize that both are good options. Cities are a better option for college students because they are more affordable, there are more opportunities and there is better transportation. On the other hand, the suburbs are a better option for families because they allow for growth, they are safer and they have more accessible schools that provide good education. 

For college students, cities are more ideal. Cities tend to be more affordable, they tend to offer more opportunities and they also have better transportation options. Fresh out of school, students don’t have a lot of money, and they often don’t have a consistent source of money.  Living in a city is more affordable. This is because the living spaces are smaller and there are many different options for transportation, food and other materials. In the long run, this makes cities more affordable to the average college student. When first arriving in a new place, college students have to work their way up for more income, which is why living in the city is better at first, as it is not only more affordable, but it also provides many opportunities for income with many jobs and companies available and for growth. After high school, college students often look forward to their independence and freedom. In the city, there are many opportunities to try new things, and a large community of people to meet and have experiences with. In the city students that just got out of college or high school can capitalize off the newfound freedom and learn first hand what true independence is like. Finally, while there is a lot of traffic in the city, driving is not always the most appealing to students, the city has many options for transportation. Walking is one great option for students who live in the city. While it may not be the fastest, things in the city are very close and it's a good exercise which is a great way to explore the city and refresh your mind. Taking public transportation, such as buses or subways, is another accessible and affordable transportation option because it is always fast because of the lack of traffic. Public transportation in many cities like New York moves quite slow with so many people, although it is very convenient and affordable, and it can transport large groups of people easily with no one having to take the burden of driving. As you can see there are many reasons why cities are a good option for students. They are more affordable, they offer many opportunities and they also have good transportation options. 

Suburbs tend to be a better option for families, as they are more clean and safe, there are better housing options with space for more people and they have better public education systems. In the suburbs, although houses may be more expensive, they also are a better purchase than in the city, because they can support more people and they allow for more space and growth. The suburbs also tend to be safer and quieter which is more suitable for living and raising a family. Another benefit of the suburbs is that, in cities, driving somewhere can be a nightmare and oftentimes people need to use trains and public transportation to get to their destinations quickly. Whereas in suburbs, driving isn’t too busy and is more accessible. Driving in the suburbs tends to be much more convenient as you can just get in your car and go to your destination with very little traffic. Another problem in the cities is getting access to good education, and by that I mean that usually there aren’t the greatest schools in cities, and the really good ones require tests to get into. While in the suburbs education is easier to get access to, and there are often many options for education. Although education in the suburbs is not always better, it is true that there are smaller class sizes, which often allows for education and teachers to be more focused on success. The cities tend to have more schools, however this doesn’t equate to better education systems than the ones in the suburbs. For families looking to move, suburbs are a great option. They have good housing options, they are quieter and easier to drive in, and they also have better options for public education. 

Often, people argue about whether cities or suburbs are better, however if we look further at the pros and cons of each environment, we can see that it’s hard to solely compare which is better. It can easily be stated that suburbs are a better option for families, because they have more accessible schools with good education, they are safer and quieter, and they have larger properties for better prices. On the other hand, cities are larger and provide opportunity for exploration, making them more fit for college students who are looking for an affordable atmosphere with better transportation and more opportunities. Both environments provide unique opportunities to connect with the people around you and to build a lifelong community of friends.

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