The Beach Boys Analysis Essay Example

📌Category: Entertainment, Musicians
📌Words: 385
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 18 February 2022

After the release of the superlative "Pet Sounds Sessions" and "Smile Sessions" over the last 25 years, The Beach Boys collective has wisely chosen the "Sunflower" and "Surf's Up" collection as their follow-up physical release. There have been wonderful digital-only releases of sessions for "Wild Honey," "Friends," "20/20" and a 2CD of sessions for "Smiley Smile"; but there's something about the tangible nature of a physical release that gives this one more gravity.

Some Beach Boys' fans, including yours truly, have always thought of these records as siblings; and with good reason. There's the fabled "Landlocked" album that in many ways would have been a summation of the work done during this period. There's also the fact that Brian Wilson was now contributing more than the previous 4-5 years collectively. “Brian probably knew he couldn’t make a whole album at that point,” Bruce Johnston is quoted as saying in the exhaustive liner notes by Howie Edelson. What we are treated with is a clinical look at the group making some of the most intimate sounds of their storied career. And it was, unfortunately, music that would go unnoticed by the general consuming American public who had moved on to Elton John and Bread. Still, these two albums have always struck me as the trying (and succeeding) to regain the focus that was lost in the milieu of the late 60s.

The box set itself is lovingly constructed, taking the same shape as the Pet Sounds 50th Super Deluxe Box Set; hardcover with discs slotted inside. The mastering is tastefully done by Mark Linett and Alan Boyd whose excellent work over the years has given us fans the aforementioned box sets along with "Made in California" and other compilations.

What this box, I think, reveals to any that didn't already know is that all three Wilson brothers had their own unique genius. Brian has and had full sensory giftedness; his brothers (Carl and Dennis) also displayed a songwriting prowess that even still today isn't acknowledged enough. Indeed, it is Carl and Dennis Wilson who are the stars of this box set. What makes this collection so special is that the core of this ensemble (the Wilson's) were ALL contributing at a high level and at the same time. "Sunflower" and "Surf's Up" are nearly every bit "Pet Sounds" equal, save for a track or two.

The "Feel Flows" box set is a testament that even though pop-culture moved on after 1966-67, The Beach Boys didn't stop dropping masterpieces then.

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