The Crucifixion by Fra Angelico Painting Analysis Essay Example

📌Category: Art, Artists
📌Words: 592
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 22 August 2022

Art portrays the progression of the world and its inhabitants; as a result, modern societies can discover the evolution of a life lived by historical peoples. These ancient pieces of art lead scientists, historians, and many different researchers to answers about past lives, cities, or empires. For example, in the Middle Ages during the rise of Christianity throughout Rome, many people were illiterate, making reading and writing difficult for a large majority of the population. Art presented a way for these individuals to exhibit feelings, thoughts, or beliefs, and allowed this group, along with many others, to make a difference in their community. The Crucifixion by Fra Angelico is one of the greatest artful paintings created during this time period in that it represents the symbolism of the gospel and it portrays the drama of the crucifixion to the culture.

The Crucifixion is an Italian painting by Fra Angelico (Guido di Pietro) created between the estimated dates of 1420-23 AD. This striking piece is painted with tempera and gold on a wooden panel, and the “circular composition was inspired by the bronze doors created by Lorenzo Ghiberti” (Carolina, 2020). Some art historians believe that this piece was most likely the altarpiece Angelico was commissioned to make in 1418 for the church of Santo Stefano al Ponte in Florence. However, others believe it, “is more likely to have been intended for private devotion and seems unlikely to have formed the pinnacle of an altarpiece” (Christiansen, 2018). Despite the division on the purpose of this piece, the imagery and emotion of Christ’s death are evident. The distraught Virgin Mary is shown falling to the floor in sorrow while the soldiers and guards stand around the cross, stone-faced. Angelico was incredibly cautious with the detail he presented in the painting. Some of which include the dripping blood from the cross and body of Jesus, the decoration of the Roman soldiers, and most interestingly, the vinegar-soaked sponge that would have been offered to Jesus (ESV, Matthew 27:48). By including the strong detail and storyline within the painting, Fra Angelico was able to create a beautiful piece of art, which depicted one of the most important days of Christ’s life and ministry.

The Crucifixion represents Jesus in the center of the chaos which surrounds Him; similarly, Christ is the center of the gospel and its stories, with sinful defiance and betrayal around Him. Angelico’s artful expertise enabled him to illustrate one of the Bible’s most important stories: Jesus’ death. Jesus was sent by God to die an excruciating death on the cross in order to save humankind from their sinful actions, providing them with eternal life. This portrayal of Jesus’ crucifixion is immensely important because it saved the world from God’s wrath and human’s eternal damnation. Because of His great sacrifice, Christians may have eternal life with Christ as mentioned in John 3:16. The verse reads, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (ESV, John 3:16). Christians during the Middle Ages could see the pain and suffering Jesus endured without having to be able to read or write about these happenings. With a high illiteracy rate, paintings like Fra Angelico’s The Crucifixion helped to reach more people with the gospel. By using vibrant colors and varying facial expressions, this art piece conveyed the emotion, thoughts, and feelings surrounding this moment in Christ's life.

This painting, whether used for an altarpiece or a personal devotion, would have been able to share a part of the great word of God to the unreachable, or the illiterate. Significant emotions are able to be conveyed through powerful art and should continue to be studied and appreciated. Art history is a crucial part of worldwide cultures and these objects need to be preserved and protected for future generations.

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