The Effects of World War II on the Decolonization Process Essay Sample

📌Category: Colonialism, History, War, World War II
📌Words: 1127
📌Pages: 5
📌Published: 25 September 2022


In 1939, Great Britain had four-hundred seventy million people in their colonies, France had 64,000,000, and The Netherlands had 65,000,000. (“Statistics on the Extent of European Colonialism”)

Today, the French control 2.6 million people in non-self-governing territories (“Settling in France’s Overseas Departments and Regions - Welcome to France”), the British control 300,000 people, (United Nations, “Decolonization | United Nations”), and the Dutch control less than 250,000. 

What caused this shift? 

This leads to a question: What led to this dramatic decrease in the influence of these colonial powers? Considering the timeframe of this shift and the countries involved, a potential answer is World War II. 

World War II, which took up the time, resources, and energy of colonizers, was the main reason for the decolonization of European colonies; this is supported by the fall of the British Empire, the French Empire, and the Dutch Empire. 

Background information

Colonialism is a concept that involves a country taking over another country. 

Even though colonialism has pros, like modernization, it is often very harmful to the people living in it and they often suffer from famine and are often mistreated by the country taking them over.

In the 21st century, there are not that many colonies, but it was once a prevalent issue (United Nations, “Decolonization | United Nations”). 

The 20th century had many colonies and most of the colonizers were from Europe. 

This changed after World War II.

This is important because understanding the reasons for the decline of colonialism can help shed light on modern geopolitical situations, involving aggressors and occupied territories such as the conflict in Ukraine.

Putin is trying to make Ukraine a part of Russia and potentially bring back the Soviet Union (BBC). 

In the process, he is starting a war and hurting the citizens of both countries. 

This is similar to colonialism in that a country thinks another country would be better off under it and is causing suffering to achieve its goals. 

Understanding the past causes and endings of colonialism can help us prevent it in the future. 

First argument body paragraph (France)

Topic sentence: France’s dDescent from a global power to a country that can barely sustain itself supports World War II ending colonialism.

The French resources were diverted towards the war and after they were conquered by Germany their colonies were temporarily taken over by Britain and Germany . (Chafer). 

Indochina was taken over by Japan during World War II. 

After the war, France looked very different than before the war (Davis). 

Before the war, France was a fierce international power.

It was weakened significantly and its infrastructure such as roads and buildings wereas destroyed. 

They were only producing 40% of what they were before and ration cards would continue for many years. (Davis).

Although their colonies were given back by Germany and Britain, France was in no position to run them effectively. 

One of these key colonies was Indochina. After Japan left, Communists gained power, and because France was weakened, the communists won. This was also supported by the Chinese Communist Revolution of 1949. China was a close and important neighbor (The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica).

Another key colony was Algeria. Historically, the French invested a lot in Algeria.  

First counterargument body paragraph

Topic sentence: France still has control over Algeria. 

Although France formed a truce with Algeria in (year something), they still have political and economic control. 

Second argument body paragraph (The Netherlands)

Topic sentence: The fall of the Netherlands’ colonies support the idea that World War II caused the fall of colonialism.

In 1942, after the Battle of Sumatra, the Japanese gained control of the West-East Indies (“Invasion of Sumatra”). At the time, the Netherlands was occupied by Germany due to World War II, so they were more concerned with their own freedom than the freedom of their colonies. 

When Germany lost the war in 1945, the Indonesian leader proclaimed independence (“The Independence of the Dutch East Indies - Decolonisation: Geopolitical Issues and Impact on the European Integration Process - CVCE Website”). 

There was an attempt by the Netherlands to regain control in 1947 and 1948.

 In spite of this, the Indonesian Nationalists held strong and that combined with pressure from the United States and United Nations was enough to earn Indonesia their independence in 1949. 

A part of the reason there was so much resistance is the method of the Dutch.

They used unnecessary violence (Sihombing) and violated several international agreements and committed atrocious human rights violations. 

They agreed to a ceasefire and fired anyways (Tasevski).

Second counterargument body paragraph

Topic sentence: Colonialism is not over. 

Colonialism is yet to end

There are multiple colonial powers that are alive and thriving.

Multiple powers, including the United States, still have 2 million people in their previous colonies

The commonwealth

The queen is still recognized as the head of state of 15 countries. 

They still do the commonwealth games which glorify colonialism. 

Even India and Canada, two large powers, are still a part of the commonwealth.

The commonwealth includes 2.4 billion people. The British have ⅓  of the population of the world under their influence. Colonialism is  far from over and did not come to a complete end after World War II

DEFEAT The commonwealth is only symbolically headed by Queen Elizabeth. She is a sign of unity and strength, the opposite of colonialism which caused the suffering and starvation of millions. The commonwealth, which is not widely regarded aside from the commonwealth games, does not even have Britain in their name, as they dropped that in 1949. Two2 million people is nothing compared to the 456 million people the British empire had at its peak. (citation).

Third argument body paragraph (Great Britain) 

Topic sentence: The fall of colonization in India directly suggests that decolonization was caused by World War II.

India was considered Britain’s jewel in the crown because of its resources and people. 

Therefore, Britain was slow to acknowledge the independence movement that was growing there before World War II. This was also happening in other British colonies.

India was one of Britain's most significant colonies. 

India had a large population, convenient location, and valuable resources. 

A study was done at Columbia University even suggested that the British government stole a sum of ​​45 trillion dollars from India in less than 200 years, which is more than 18 times their current combined GDP. 

India gained independence in 1947, just two years after the end of World War II, and this was after decades of struggle.


Third counter-argument body paragraph

The reason Britain's colonies fell is that the people in the colonies fought and worked for their own independence. 

If a country does not want to be controlled, it is very difficult to keep it controlled. 

An example is India;, they fought a 100-year war for freedom before they got it. 

As an example, in 1935, the British gave India a constitution of sorts, before World War II. World War I played a big part as well. 

DEFEAT The British lost India two years after World War II after India had fought for independence for 50 years. 

It is no coincidence that this happened after the British had been weakened by a brutal war. 


The end of the British, Dutch, and French colonies are caused by Wworld Wwar II. With that information, it is realized that World War II is the reason for decolonization. 

Some may argue that decolonization is not over in France, with the french having massive political control of Algeria.

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