The Impact of Storytelling Essay Sample

📌Category: Education, Writing
📌Words: 565
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 21 August 2022

I believe that stories have great power. Over generations, people have been taught things through stories or movies. For example, on Netflix, if you are watching a movie, it is a story, but it is also informing you about things that happen in the world. These stories have the power to change your mind about things. Say you like to watch soccer and you think Lionel Messi is the best soccer player. Then you watch a Ronaldo documentary and you start to believe he is better than Messi. What stories do is leave a thought in your mind about what's right, wrong, and true.

In my life, I have watched many movies and read many books. The stories that I have seen have always left an effect on me and my thoughts. If I watch a scary movie, then after the movie I would be scared. If I read a book that was about Bruce Lee, it leaves a message in my brain: never give up. What authors of these stories do and the general point of the story's aim for is you to be wanting to ask questions. Stories can be educational but also be interesting and informative.

 Stories have impacted my life in many ways. During my year of English 9 when reading the story The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. This story was about a man who daydreams, after reading this it left me with the question: is this man bored, or does he simply have something wrong with him? What these stories do is they keep me wondering about not only the book but about real life.

In the book Life of Pi, I believe that the story with the animals is the real story. I think this for various reasons such as it is a more realistic story. The story with the cook is a little to gore-like and traumatizing. It is almost a little too graphic to the point where it has to be fake. The animal story is more realistic because it represents real-life traumatizing experiences. For example, when he is on the boat and he says “I must say a word about fear. It is life's only true opponent. Only fear can defeat life.”(pg161) These thoughts are real thoughts that you would be having well stranded at sea. He is describing how if he is scared of the tiger it will get him killed, but if he isn't afraid there's a great chance he lives.

Over this year of English 9, I have explored many forms of storytelling, like fairy tales and short stories. What stood out to me the most was the short story unit because they were short but powerful, so it left me with a strong message. It wasn't boring because it was short, so while it was interesting and descriptive, it still was very powerful. It kept a thought in my head even after I finished reading it. When we read the short story The Secret Life of Walter Mitty when it states at the end of the story “Walter Mitty the Undefeated, inscrutable to the last” It leaves you with the thought of what next for Walter Mitty and what will become of him for the rest of his life.

In conclusion, I believe that storytelling is a very powerful way of explaining and educating. Personally, Stories have a big impact on me. Stories help me understand the concept of something or someone better, whether it's in the form of a movie book or from someone's personal preference. Without stories, I feel that I would be less educated on topics like our world and society.

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