The Importance of Praise in Learning Essay Example

📌Category: Education, Learning
📌Words: 397
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 26 March 2022

Self confidence takes an important role in learning. It helps the student not doubt the work they are doing, and it gives them the confidence to complete their work.Recently, there has been a debate on whether teachers should praise effort or if the success on an assignment provides students with self-esteem to spur learning.  Praising students for their work can help improve that self confidence that some students might lack.  Words can have a big impact on how you take things; hearing another person give you props for something you weren't sure was good enough can boost your self esteem and give you that self confidence you lack. 

I believe,other people can affect your self confidence;For example, telling a student that they’re doing great even if it's not the best effort  is better because telling them can help boost their confidence in the achievement and they can put their full attention and confidence into the achievement. Telling them it's not very good can cause the feeling of not being good enough and cause them to not want to complete. 

I feel that, Getting props for something you feel is not a good effort  helps you determine that you should keep doing it and that you can be positive about completing an assignment. You could be struggling if your assignment is good and ready enough.Prase is a good push for someone to keep going and not give up on little things that can soon have a big impact. It's good to keep positivity in the classroom. It's already hard for students with all the work that they get so a small praise can brighten anyone's day.

I believe, that praising a student on work can also benefit the teacher ,for example, after telling your student that there work is great so far it encourages them to complete with a positive attitude and make them want to finish completing; The teacher ends up grading and they are impressed by the grade and knew the student could do it. A simple compliment on Hearing another person give you props for something you weren't sure was good enough can boost your self esteem and give you that self confidence you lack. It's important to keep a positive attitude throughout the classroom. Praising work effort on an assignment has a great impact and telling them they need to improve does not give the same effect. Students and teachers have come together to realize that praise   is a great tactic to keep students going and everyone deserves to feel appreciated.

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