Argumentative Essay on Binge-watching Is Not Good

📌Category: Entertainment
📌Words: 392
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 13 March 2022

Do you enjoy binge-watching? ¨The concept of watching multiple episodes of a show in one sitting really gained popularity around 2012. 73% of Americans admit to binge-watching, with the average binge lasting three hours and eight minutes. Binge-watching is not good for you because it leads to mental health issues, makes the show less fulfilling, and can lead to serious physical health problems.

Binge-watching is not good for you because it leads to mental health issues. University of Texas study found binge-watchers were more likely to be depressed, lonely, and have less self-control. ¨In other words, binge-watching can cause people to neglect and lose control of time which can lead to trouble in the long run. From this I can infer that when you binge-watch, you can lose yourself and what is happening around you, and when the show ends it’s going to be difficult to just go back into your old habits.

Binge-watching is not good for you because it makes the show less fulfilling. A study found ¨people who watched multiple episodes of a show in one sitting reported “significantly less show enjoyment” than people who watched one episode at a time ¨Basically, this study is saying that watching multiple episodes can take-away the entertaining part, like coming up with your own theory about what is going to happen next. To sum it up,watching multiple episodes can take away that suspense you get when you are left on a cilf-hanger.

Binge-watching is not good for you because it can lead to serious physical health problems. A study found ¨binge-watching was related to poorer sleep quality, more fatigue, and insomnia,  because of pre-sleep arousal.¨But according to psychiatrists ¨binge-watching releases dopamine in the brain, which creates a feeling of pleasure and can help people to relax and relieve stress.¨ I see the point it they makes but an article states,¨Sitting for extended periods of time has long been linked to slow metabolism, heart disease, cancer, blood clots,  and deep vein thrombosis.¨

To conclude, according to all the evidenceBinge-watching is not good for you because it leads to mental health issues, makes the show less fulfilling, and can lead to serious physical health problems. Yes, binge-watching can be fun and relieving at the time but it can lead to some terrible side effects. In my opinion I think being in suspense is way better than sitting and watching, because it can lead your imagination to some amazing places that might or might not be better than what the episode of the show gave the viewers.

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