Communicating Assertively In The Workplace Essay Example

📌Category: Communication, Life, Sociology, Work
📌Words: 381
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 13 September 2021

Do you wish to establish good interpersonal and professional relationships in the workplace? Assertive communication is the answer. You can effectively communicate your ideas and opinions. The goods news is you can practice this style of communication. Identifying the difference between, passive, aggressive, passive-aggressive, and assertive behaviors will help you understand how to communicate assertively. 

The Rehearsal and Scenario.

You are asked to create a new program by your superior and the deadline for this program will interfere with the current program you are working towards. Your duty now becomes where you have to let you're superior know the circumstance. You are now thinking of what communication style to use.

Should you use passive communication whereby you are afraid to say no and why? Having a hard time deciding whether you may handle the project and response or when responding with a reason you are speaking softly. This will create a lack of confidence and too much work being given which can make you feel, exhausted and poor quality of work can be the result.

Should you respond aggressively when you tell them in a loud voice and your hands wavering in all directions and with piercing eyes “how can you expect me to accept two projects at the same time, why can’t you do it!”? This shows a lack of respect for your superiors and can ruin the overall working relationship.

Should you respond in a passive-aggressive manner, by saying “Of course I will do it” while rolling their eyes at the same time and muttering while saying it. This will result in resentment, sabotaging the project, and dishonesty.

All of the above stated will not solve the issue but responding assertively with a clear tone of voice, good eye contact, by saying “I do Acknowledge the importance of the task asked from me, Unfortunately I’m currently working on my first project and the due date won’t allow me to execute either projects to the best of my ability. If you do have suggestions for me to be able to manage both projects I’m am open to your ideas”. This will create respect for yourself and others, open dialog, self-awareness and creates healthy relationships with others.

In conclusion, practicing your reactions, learn to know all facts before speaking, remove barriers such as fear, rejections and learn to co-operate would help you excel in any given career. The result will gain you respect and help you solve problems and build good relationships. Assertive communication is the solution.

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