Narrative Essay Sample: My Grand-Aunt's Wedding

📌Category: Experience, Family, Life, Myself
📌Words: 783
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 25 January 2022

My family and I were invited by my grand-aunt to her wedding.  I was not looking forward to it because my brother and I would be one of the few kids there. Plus, It was going to be crowded with people I didn't know. The only thing I was looking forward to was the fact that my older brother Chris was going to be there. We don’t really get to see him often since he is a college student who is working a part-time job so it would be nice to hang out with him at the wedding. On the day of the wedding when we were getting ready to go, I couldn't wear what I wanted to since my mother did not like it.  This situation made the car ride to the wedding tense.

When we arrived at our destination, the view was delightful.  You could clearly see the mountains and trees. There was also a fountain right next to a small cobblestone path. It was surrounded by vines and bushes which made the air feel fresh. My family and I followed the path straight to the wedding ceremony. We sat down on the chairs just in time for the bride and groom to say their vows. Afterward, there was a period of time where people were taking pictures. Every time I was in a photo it felt like I just stuck out in a bad way. Luckily it didn’t last very long since servants started giving out appetizers. There were several kinds like mini tacos, egg rolls, and shrimp. I sort of took advantage of this and ate as much as possible. Chris finally arrived at this time since he got lost on the way. We didn’t talk much since he was speaking to the adults for the majority of the wedding. The same thing happened with my grandma too. Later on, the dinner started where I got to eat even more. I ate a salmon that had this sauce that made it taste so good.  It caused my taste buds to dance happily.

 When we were done eating the dance floor opened up.  There were flashing lights that flashed on and off. The party also included a D.J too. I was having a good time at the party so far since I had such good food to eat and the music was nice. I was sitting at a table watching the people dance cheerfully to the music just admiring the connections everyone else had with each other. Later on, the bride and groom started dancing with people for money. 

 “Go dance with the bride” My dad insisted out of nowhere.

“But I don’t feel like dancing” I responded, hoping he would change his mind.

“In that case, I’m going to be keeping that phone of yours,” he snapped. I knew he wasn’t kidding about this since my dad doesn't mess around with these types of things. 

“That's not fair” I replied. Usually, I would listen to him right away but on this occasion,  I was pretty serious about not dancing.  My dad shrugged and looked at me saying,

“Well, you till the end of the dance to dance with her or else that phone is mine.”

“Look no one even knows how to dance so there is no reason to be scared. My mom interrupted. 

She just assumed that I didn’t want to dance because I did not know how to. This was true but it was more than that. I just didn’t want to be dancing with people who were basically strangers to me. There was a long period of time of just waiting until I later realized that dancing wasn’t going to last that long. After being pressured to go I finally got the courage to get up and go to the dance floor with my dad. My mother and both brothers joined in with us too. Everyone looked happy moving to the beat of the song while I was just there trying not to cry by smiling. I was feeling so uncomfortable next to all these unknown people. It was the longest two minutes ever. 

Right when the song ended I just dashed right to our assigned table still feeling the sensation of crying. My dad came up to me and said “See, it wasn’t that bad”. I just felt like slapping him at that point. More and more songs went by and that one dance just stuck with me the entire night. The party finally ended after what seemed like years. We then said our goodbyes to everyone and entered the car. The ride home was silent again but this time it was because everyone was tired. As soon as we arrived at the house I went directly to bed. My mom saw that I was uncomfortable so she gave me an apology right before I went to sleep. I accepted it feeling grateful for how she understood my feelings and ended the day on a high note.

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