Essay About Drinking Coffee In College

📌Category: Food
📌Words: 492
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 07 June 2022

Coffee is one of the famous drinks here in our country. Many people enjoys it especially elderly, students, and workers. As the product grows in our country many varieties of coffee are being introduced to us. At the 3rd Philippine Coffee Conference, coffee as an industry is hot and brewing (Leano, Precious) (2018). The Philippines is one of the few countries currently producing the four varieties of commercially-viable Arabica, Robusta, Liberica, and Excelsa. Philippine Liberica is known locally as Barako/Baraco, a coffee bean that produces a distinctively robust and powerful cup (Philippine Coffee Board). There are also different ways of how it being drink or made like ice coffee, latte, cappuccino, and more. As by that being said, choosing a variety of coffee to drink is quite difficult for its consumer specifically students.

Coffee became more popular nowadays to teenagers and students because the varieties of coffee became more favorable to them. Since there are a lot of types, there are factors that can affect the preference of the consumer. According to the research paper ( Shrivastav, Adarsh 2020) that we cited, there are internal and external factors that can influence the decision of the consumer in choosing the coffee that they want. Personal factors are an example of internal factors and social factors are one of the external factors that can affect the preference of consumers specifically students.

In Cavite, you can see a lot of coffee shops anywhere you go because most of the people here are drinking coffee. Amadeo is one of the municipalities of Cavite and it is considered as the coffee capital of the Philippines, many coffee shops can be seen there and they sell authentic Kapeng Barako that many people in Cavite loves especially elderly. But since not all people likes the taste of Kapeng Barako, they manufactured a new varieties that many people can enjoy. Few teenagers can really enjoy the strong types of coffee that’s why the most popular type of coffee to teenagers are blended coffees like latte and cappuccino.

The trend of coffee in Philippines grows when pandemic started, many small businesses are selling coffee because it is in demand and one of the essential drinks nowadays. Students drink coffee because it helps them in studying. But since not all students can afford the coffee from coffee shops, their best option are instant coffees in sachets. These are coffees that can be bought in variety stores and supermarkets. The most known brand of instant coffee here in the Philippines is Nescafe. It is known for its flavor of coffees, they have original 3 in 1, original, creamy latte and more. Each flavor has a different taste and it affects the choices of all consumers especially students, they tend to choose something strong yet delicious and we can say that not all strong coffees are delicious and it depends on the taste of the consumer.

Iced coffee is very popular among students and teenagers because it is refreshing and you can drink it even when the weather is hot. And as mentioned in the 3rd paragraph, blended coffee is also popular among students because it is not too strong and it has different taste from regular coffee.

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