Essay on Post-traumatic Knee Arthritis

📌Category: Health, Human Body
📌Words: 220
📌Pages: 1
📌Published: 13 July 2022

Arthritis is defined as inflammation of the joint caused by the wearing of cartilage between the bones. Post-traumatic knee arthritis is a form of knee arthritis characterized by damage to the knee’s cartilage that happens after a traumatic injury such as falls, sports injuries, knee surgeries, etc. Being overweight, not exercising and going through repeated injuries to the knee specifically may actually accelerate the development of knee arthritis.

There are many symptoms of post-traumatic knee arthritis but I will name a few that I have dealt with (and still deal with): decreased ROM, pain with movement, joint swelling and a clicking/crunching sensation while bending the knee. Oftentimes your doctor will use x-ray to evaluate knee cartilage and bones. When x-rays are not enough and you need a more detailed look, MRI or CT scans may be used. Treatment for knee arthritis are oftentimes personalized based on needs or the severity of the situation. Options include: weight loss, knee injections, physical therapy and most importantly, rest.

I chose this topic because it is personal for me. Having gone through a severe patella dislocation at the age of 14, a knee surgery, many PT sessions, and much needed rest, I am passionate about taking rehab and living well for yourself very seriously. I still suffer from arthritis to this day but with the help of weight loss, weightlifting, nutrition and listening to my body, it is so much easier to manage.

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