Essay Sample about Deforestation

📌Category: Deforestation, Environment
📌Words: 238
📌Pages: 1
📌Published: 23 August 2022

Deforestation is where humans chop down trees for a purpose. Humans have decimated forests to make towns, roads and all other kinds of structures. People have cut down trees throughout history for many reasons, to make structures, for fuel, and for manufacturing other products. Deforestation has devastated all of the world. At the end of the last ice age about 60% of the world was covered by forest, but today's world only about 40% of the world is forested.

Deforestation is a very big problem in today's society. Most of the deforestation in the world is in tropical rainforests, which are home to many endangered species of animals. The human race is cutting down the rain forests to build new roads to previously inaccessible areas of the world.

Deforestation causes carbon dioxide to be released into the atmosphere, which will eventually destroy the earth's ozone layer. Trees take in carbon dioxide for photosynthesis which produces oxygen. With fewer trees to take in carbon dioxide the greenhouse gas will build up in the atmosphere which will inevitably lead to the acceleration of global warming.

The world's biodiversity is in danger due to deforestation. Biodiversity is all of the living organisms in one area. Deforestation causes loss of habitat for some species which will eventually lead to their extinction, and some animals depend on each other so if one species goes extinct it can cause a mass domino effect extinction which will cause the extinction of the human race. If that happens then that means humans would have caused their own demise.

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