Essay Sample about Euphoric Swelling

📌Category: Health, Illness
📌Words: 775
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 07 October 2022

The pathogen Euphoric Swelling is a type of bacterial infection spread through a housefly. Being a bacterial pathogen means it is a microorganism made of a single cell, it is tremendously resistant and can live in almost any condition, and it can be many various shapes and sizes. A housefly is the best insect for Euphoric Swelling to be transmitted by because they are very resistant to temperature, and they easily enter houses through poor ventilation, poor sanitation, ripped window screens, and many more routes. 

Transmission through a housefly is the best way for Euphoric Swelling to infect a population because it will be difficult to control, the pathogen can modify how it looks and functions by evolution to trick the host cells and improve their chances of survival. Euphoric Swelling being spread by a housefly means that everyone will be vulnerable to this pathogen because no one has been exposed to it yet. There are also many opportunities for this disease to infect a host by traveling through a housefly. If Euphoric Swelling reaches a developing country, it can easily make its way through the population because they do not have the tools and resources needed to treat or make this disease tolerable to the infected.

Nevertheless, there are also disadvantages to Euphoric Swelling being spread by a housefly. There are numerous types of precautions that can be made by the host before they come into contact with Euphoric Swelling like covering their skin or using insect repellent when they are outdoors. The hosts can also look over their skin that was exposed outdoors when they are back home. This can lead to them finding a bite from a housefly and stopping the spread quickly by quarantining and getting the medical care needed. A vaccine can also be created after time which can slow or stop the spread of Euphoric Swelling, especially if the disease is extensive in that area. 

Euphoric Swelling will cause a certain variety of symptoms depending on the degree of the infection and how long it has gone untreated. A common symptom of Euphoric Swelling is moderate inflammation of the lymph nodes in the body near the infected area; also, a mild fever followed by nausea and vomiting. A small rash can appear around the area of infection and there could be soreness. More severe symptoms of Euphoric Swelling are the spreading of inflamed lymph nodes throughout the body accompanied by the rash that started at the infected area. Swollen lymph nodes can lead to body pain expand from the infected area too. The patient will have a critical fever, and, in the worst conditions, they will experience hallucinations and paralysis that will start at the initial site of infection and can lead to death.

Euphoric Swelling is one of the most complex pathogens known to man today. When the housefly injects this pathogen into the host, it will learn the structure and functions of the phagocytes and adapt to look and operate just like them. This will help the pathogen from being engulfed and destroyed by a process called phagocytosis. Once Euphoric Swelling gets into the bloodstream it can release specific proteins to attack and inhibit the host cells which will cause dysfunction before the pathogen has contact with the cell. This makes it a lot easier for the pathogen to get into the host cell and take control. It can take up to four days for symptoms to appear and the incubation time can last up to fifteen days.

Euphoric Swelling causes a major complication in traveling around the world. This disease is very prominent in developing countries or countries that cannot provide the materials needed to control it. Euphoric Swelling is most notable in third world countries because of the poor sanitation and conditions that the communities must reside in. Not having access to health care or, even in this case, clean water has a drastic effect on health problems and controlling incredibly infectious diseases. This makes it very important that if a person is traveling to a destination that is well known for Euphoric Swelling, they need to take the necessary precautions to stay protected. If this person were to contract the pathogen and bring it back to their home country, even if they have created a vaccination for Euphoric Swelling, it could lead to a mutant variant developing and another breakout in their residents. The mutations of Euphoric Swelling can be just as deadly, if not deadlier, than the parent strand. Bringing Euphoric Swelling to developed countries like the United States of America can also cause complications just as detrimental as in third world countries. Even though the United States has hospitals and doctors readily available does not mean they will always be. With Euphoric Swelling being as contagious as it is, it will spread through towns very quickly. This can result in hospitals overflowing and many people not being able to get the treatment they need. Euphoric Swelling will destroy communities and cause massive reduction in the human population if not controlled.

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