Essay Sample on Safe in Schools

đź“ŚCategory: Education, School
đź“ŚWords: 742
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 08 October 2022

Over the years student behaviors have changed along with school curriculums and the information that is shared through them. Some say that schools have opened students eyes to the terrible society of today and has Influenced their behaviors for the worst when in reality, that is not true. Schools have politically and socially benefited the youth and are in fact safer than they have ever been.

To begin with , when it comes to how safe political instruction has turned younger generation's schools one must consider the obligatory governmental courses students must take from a young age. For example , civics is a course usually taken in seventh grade that teaches students all about the U.S. Constitution , court rules and the difference between legality and illegality. This has led to students becoming more informed of their rights as well as the consequences one could face if they were ever involved in illegal activity, explaining the decrease in violent school altercations. The school curriculum also includes important life courses such as drivers education, which teaches students how to stay safe on the road and skills such as defensive driving and fixing minor car issues . This class also teaches road rules and emergency procedures in case anything goes wrong while operating a vehicle, not only ensuring the safety of students during school hours but as well in their personal lives. Some may argue that even though there are helpful courses in the school curriculum, they are not always used for good reasons. For example, they say that courses like forensic science teaches young children with not fully developed brains what investigators look for in criminal cases and how they could cover their tracks but this is not the complete truth. while yes, forensic science classes do teach students what evidence investigators look for in ciminal cases, a student has to sign an agreement to not use that information for bad reasons at the start of a course. While this agreement may not always be obeyed, forensic science courses keep information like how to make an at-home bomb and leave no fingerprints hidden from the student, validating the idea that schools have not become a dangerous place for the youth in a political sense.

To add on, schools have not become a more dangerous place for the youth when it comes to social matters, rather they have taught students acceptance and fairness towards Everyone no matter their differences, uniting society further by the day. For example, the holocaust has been taught in schools starting from middle school. This was a giant part of history in which a dictator named Hitler was violent and treated Jewish people like slaves just for having different looks and beliefs from him that has now become an entire course in the school curriculum. This

Course has left a big impact in the world and has made less violent people by envoking emotions and empathy out of them. In other words, with less violent people around, less bullying and discrimination by race, age, gender, reigion and culture occurs in schools, making them safer than ever before. The Black lives Matter movement is also an example of this as it creates more observant people and opens students' eyes to the real world. During the Black Lives Matters movement, protests were held against police brutality and other types of injustices the black community faces, teaching children to not give up and fight for what is right, ensuring that both schools and the future will be safer places for all people. Some argue that these types of protests may actually turn schools into more dangerous places because they could send the message that violence is the answer to equality but that is not true because the media demonizes volent riots and turns the movement into a bad thing, which is not the goal and people do not want as the goal, proving that schools will factually be more secure socially learning  this information.

One major argument that majority of people have towards the safety of schools is school shootings such as Columbine and Parkland but that is more of a gun control issue that can be fixed through the government. Regardless, In the last decade , school shootings have both grown and become less likely because as they became common, schools have applied more safety measures like locking gates, bathroom passes, adult iding to access school grounds and some even metal detectors.

In conclusion, as time has gone on, schools have become safer places for young students politically and socially due to a change in school safety, curriculum and informative lessons. To continue to ensure safely in schools in the near future, everyone must contribute in properly raising ones kids as well as schools must continue in delivering an acceptable, fair and adequate education to all students.

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