Essay Sample on What is Language Change

📌Category: Culture, Language and Linguistics, Science
📌Words: 688
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 17 February 2022

Language changes from generation to generation for after a period time. The wordings that used be for a certain word for something changes in pronunciation of words.

Introducing Language change

As people interact normally the native language changes because the learners would be pronounced not exactly as the natives. And it remains so, thus creating another language to live with as well as adaptation.

The linguistics use phonography to describe a certain language by separating morphemes or discover the dialects’ syntactical norms to evaluate the language systematically. No language in unchangeable it changes with time. Language is like fossil that human still yet to discover the original language and still it goes back to centuries. A language is flexible just put together a few letters and it will become and word and this depends on who is speaking. When a language is being spoken. Historically, linguistics is keen in finding out the new language and how it came into existence and why. There are numerous examples like ancient languages of European, Asian, and other languages are in existence: “Latin, Greek, Gothic, Old Persian, and Sanskrit.’ These languages create a culture of linguistic that motivates linguistics think it must have come from descendants the evolved may be from a single ancestral language known as Proto-Indo- from European Pie. Hence a language from a family the multiplies to other families then becomes an independent language for others to use. Example, the Lord’s prayer the old English is not although in might mean the same. ‘Thee’ and ‘thou’ these days are no longer there; the words have been refreshed. The language has lived if human beings because it goes with people. Since, the old English “(text ca.1100), there were some words like “Faeser ure pu eart on heofonum, si pin nama gehalgod.” Middle English (text ca.1400), Oure fadir that art in heuenes halowid be thi name.” Early modern English (Text 1611), Our father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name.” and Contemporary English (text 1994),” Our Father, who is in heaven, may your be thy Name.” This is the Lord’s prayer, the message could be the same, but the words have totally changed with time. Then the linguistics started to get into the characteristics of linguistics changes in the language. Languages The changes because human also changes and even there is no family that would speech the same. The interaction and conduct of people bring recent changes in the language. Language goes with the geographical physical feature. Example, English has some words from Spanish or Mexican and cube. The neighborhoods countries to form a unique language because of the daily interactions. However, in the late 1700s English grammarians produced a structure to be affected to regulate the language as change occurred. Therefore, chance is of is either way it could be good or bad depending on how its taken or used. Corrections. Corrections on the writing. (Ahearn and Mihalicek)

Gender and language

There is not categorically outlined which gender talks what in the any languages but by nature human created a bound from nowhere. Although, sometimes men have the courage to use certain phrases but if woman uses the same phrase may not look decent, and its discipline in the selections of words: how, where, and when to use them. Look at a baby at birth is like an open book at anything could be spoken of the baby and it only receives. Example it is in a universal to talk about the gender of the baby and gender has no specific language but its acquired and learned by the collaboration of the person or persons. As the language’s changes, the things like how to address one as he, she, or they are because of different ideologies now people seem to be confusing how to address one or people due to the changes in the language. However, “To understand some of the complexities of children’s social worlds and leads her to oppose simplistic, dualistic representations of girls as cooperatives and boys as competitive,” (Goodwin). When reinforcing of some stereotype’s men, like the phone sex operator would view their use of linguistic features as powerful and considerate themselves to be in superior position within the conversations.

Example, “anger in particular, is viewed in Gapun as the province mainly of women, at least in its explicit articulation through a speech genre villagers call the Kros.”  Although Kros in a negative manner. Each culture has pros and con of the linguistic language. (Ahearn and Mihalicek)

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