Persuasive Essay Example: Grades Should Be Eliminated in College

📌Category: Education, Higher Education
📌Words: 962
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 12 October 2022

Did you ever hear a student exhibit tremendous anxiety about an assignment just because they want to achieve an excellent grade? Well, there is a simple solution to this traditional educational problem: grades should be eliminated from higher education. Eliminating grades produces excellent results and allows students to be truly passionate about their college courses. One of the main reasons why grades should be eliminated in college is that it minimizes students' interest in actually learning about the topic because they tend to focus solely on getting a good grade. Another common reason for excluding grades is that grades encourage cheating for students. The final reason that grades should be abolished in colleges is that there is currently a great deal of competition among students and their grades.

Grades in college reduce a student's interest in understanding the topic at hand. Students are mainly concerned with getting a good grade and are unwilling to engage in learning about the topic being taught. In the passage “From Degrading to De-Grading,” Alfie Kohn states, “... it shouldn’t be surprising that when students are told they’ll need to know something for a test – or, more generally, that something they’re about to do will count for a grade – they are likely to come to view that task (or book or idea) as a chore.” Here Alfie Kohn mainly wanted to point out the advantages of eliminating grades in college. If students remain focused entirely on their grades rather than learning the concept, they will be poorly prepared to find and strive effectively in a career.-connection. Focusing solely on grades prohibits students from truly learning and understanding the topic being taught. This leaves them uneducated and unprepared for a career. According to the notion that students do not grasp the information when grades are involved, students will not receive a valuable education in college and their money will be going down the drain. What is the point of going to college if a student is not prepared for a career and is uneducated after spending thousands of dollars? In the end, grades should be eliminated in colleges to encourage students to properly learn about their studies and make the most out of their education to be prepared for a future career.

Grades encourage cheating for students. In the passage, “Pros and Cons of Eliminating the Grading System,” Evan Thompson mentioned, “According to Carnegie Mellon University, students cheat for different reasons, many of which reflect badly on the grading system. Some students cheat because they're "highly motivated by grades and might not see a relationship between learning and grades.". Here, the writer wanted to highlight that Carnegie Mellon University researched and found out that students are prone to cheating for several reasons which create a negative impact on the grading system. Following that, some of the students resort to cheating because they are excessively influenced by grades. This is shifting students’ focus from actual learning to grades. Consequently, students might fail to see a fair connection between learning and grades. The elimination of grades will stop students from cheating less frequently and students will be able to have a clear understanding of what grades are and what learning is. Adding to it, students will be able to engage themselves more in learning rather than worrying and focusing on grades. Moreover, students will be able to learn how to achieve their desired grades fairly without resorting to cheating.

Students will be able to focus on their personal growth instead of competing with their peers if grades are abolished in college. Many students try to get better grades to outperform their peers and this eventually comes into the negative limelight. However, if grades were abolished, this would no longer be an issue. The issue of competition among peers can be seen in the passage “What It’s Like Going to a College That Doesn’t Give Traditional Grades” by Katherine Martinelli. The passage states “When grades are involved, it’s hard not to get competitive with your peers.” (Martinelli). Here, the writer wanted to highlight that when grades are involved, students often become prone to unfair competition. This competition causes most students to be concerned with whether or not their grades are high rather than whether or not they truly understand a subject, which can prevent them from growing and learning. By placing a high value on grades rather than education, students become more concerned with numbers rather than ensuring that they understand the material and grow academically. Education should not be a competition, and students should not be discouraged from learning because of an unsatisfactory letter or number. However, this is the harsh reality created by the grading system. If grades were abolished in colleges, students would be able to focus on themselves and their understanding of the concepts being taught, rather than competing with other students and ignoring the educational aspect. Students will be more mentally positive and have a better understanding of their educational abilities as a result of this self-centered focus and comprehension. Students will also be able to digest the content more productively, while also assisting their peers without becoming competitive. Abolishing grades in college will reduce the competitive nature of their students and will enforce comprehensive learning about the concept rather than focusing solely on it. Also, grade elimination is not about allowing students to slack off on their work. Rather, it is about allowing students to comprehend the content they are learning about and get the most out of their higher education.

Eliminating grades in college has far more advantages than disadvantages. The abolition of grades will allow students to learn more deeply and comprehensively than ever before. Students will be able to concentrate on the topic at hand rather than worrying about an upcoming essay or test. Students will be able to prevent themselves from cheating by not putting a high amount of focus on grades instead of actual learning. Students will be able to concentrate solely on themselves and their progress rather than worrying about their peers' progress. Grade abolition truly benefits the student and provides them with the best possible outcome in their college experience. This abolition of grades should be implemented in many colleges because it will positively impact the generation leaving their institutions and entering the "real world."

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