Persuasive Essay on Soda Taxes Should Not Be Implemented

đź“ŚCategory: Economics, Government
đź“ŚWords: 505
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 25 March 2022

Liberty! One of the main things promised to citizens. But, how can we have liberty if we have politicians trying to alter our eating habits, as if they should have the right to control what we consume? Many places have added a tax on soda, trying to stop people from drinking it, in hopes to make them “healthier”. In my opinion, this tax shouldn’t be implemented because I think it is useless, unnecessary, and unethical. This is because it’s a burden for low-income households, is bad for business, and it barely works, therefore useless and unnecessary.  

First of all, this tax is an annoying burden for low-income individuals and households. People may say “But it’s only a few cents more!”, however this adds up until it comes to tens or even hundreds of dollars more. Even if one knows how to moderate their intake, is perfectly healthy, and has no health issues, they must suffer due to this tax. This could affect their everyday lives. People might have to re-budget, buy cheaper and more ineffective products to stay in budget, and so much more. They may even have to cut out delicious drinks and sodas out of their lives completely, just because of this tax. That is completely unfair. 

Next, this would be a great complication for the soda industry. Enormous brands like Coke, Pepsi, Sprite, Dr. Pepper, Mountain Dew, and many more may suffer from this tax. Since many may purchase less soda, it may negatively affect these large companies. These companies are a great part of the economy. Therefore, these soda taxes could potentially have a huge negative effect on the economy of the states who pass this law, as well as other places who foolishly do the same. 

Saving the best for last, the greatest reason that this tax is harmful to society is because it barely works and may even negatively affect the health of the people affected by the law. According to NYLN.ORG, it is not the answer to health issues in individuals. “In the U.S. alone, consumption has been on the decline since 2000. However, obesity is holding steady. Diabetes peaked in 2010 and leveled off in 2011.” If sodas really are the reason for this, why has this tax not declined the statistics whatsoever? According to a 2012 Cornell University study, soda taxes caused lots of consumers to switch to beer, which may be considered an even worse option due to its alcohol levels. This is equally bad for one's health, maybe even worse. Another study suggests that people might replace soda with other unhealthy drinks. This all shows that this tax is completely useless in aiding the health of individuals.  

In conclusion, soda taxes, or “sin taxes,’ should not be implemented. In my opinion, this tax should not be implemented because it is useless, unnecessary, and unethical, and you should think this too. It’s a burden for low-income households, is bad for business, and it barely works. If the government really cared about our eating habits, they might as well babysit us to make sure we are eating our fruits and veggies every day. So, next time you pop open a can of delicious soda, think to yourself about the things I presented to you today.

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