Piracy in The Music Industry Essay Sample

📌Category: Entertainment, Music
📌Words: 543
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 11 June 2022

Music changes as our lifestyle and environment changes, music was simple and very plain in the past but society could not live without it, the music was plain because their life was plain. As music developed, music started to split into different genres. People created different genres to match their needs and feelings. The music industry has since taken advantage of that and decided to put their artist music for ridiculous prices.The music industry has maintained unrealistic prices,especially in Australia where people are paying 50 per cent more than America. As result, people are less willing to purchase music, which has caused a shift in how music is consumed, and ultimately how artists approach their revenue systems. Not saying that they're not making millions just as much. People like me think that it's crazy to even have to buy music and would rather listen to it on YouTube or wait for somebody else to record the music and put it on youtube. These days people can get music and TV shows for free so why would we even bother paying for it.We value our music but I wouldn't want to pay for music especially knowing that I might not be good. Some people still pay for music just to show their love and respect for the artist. The value isn't changing it's just that some people would rather save money or figure out a way to listen to it for free. The fact that we're trying to find ways to listen to an artist songs for free does show that we still value and appreciate music. The main thing that's really dependent on whether the music sales are not is if the artist makes good music or not some people don't want to take chances with their money you want to make sure that they'll be satisfied. The better the music is the more sales it would get no more willing people are to buy it the song but to be honest in this day and age people will just record it and put it on YouTube which is probably why there's not a lot more sales that there should be because people can listen to it for free. Making your music free all together when it be too smart because the artist could miss out on a lot of sales. I have researched and figured out that piracy was a big problem a while back but the music industry has recently picked themselves up and they're streaming revenue has reached 20 billion in 2019. So whether people pirate their music or not they will still make a lot of money and I am glad because music can really impact emotions and help make good memories. Like when someone's loved one dies they go back to that person's favorite song and listen to it to remind them of the person they lost. The most popular type of music is rap and there are hundreds of different rappers out they releasing songs and people are buying them. The music industry will continue to make money only way that that will stop is if their bodies have a bad reputation or there can pirate it again. Like some rappers will get into arguments for publicity and they'll write diss tracks but each other for people to buy and their beef hypes up their songs and albums for people to buy. They're bringing drama in to music for people to get more interested and get more publicity.

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