Research Paper about AI

đź“ŚCategory: Artificial Intelligence, Science
đź“ŚWords: 909
đź“ŚPages: 4
đź“ŚPublished: 10 June 2022

Did you know that the thought of AI has been around for many years? The first research into AI was a group of scientists from different research fields in the early 1950s coming together to create an artificial brain. Sadly they fell short of their goal but all agreed that the creation of artificial intelligence was possible. They fell short because at the time the technology was lacking the sophistication needed to be able to handle a task like this. And so for another 41 years, the field of artificial intelligence has waxed and waned until finally in 1997. The technology had advanced enough for the actual creation of AI with the intelligence that we think of today. Because in 1997 a program called Deep blue created by IBM defeated the world's best chess player which signifies the start of modern AI. Nowadays artificial intelligence is used all over the world to help in many aspects of everyday life but if societies continue to depend on AI it could lead to more damage than good. This is because the continued dependence on these programs can cause major economic problems for thousands of families and cost them their jobs. People can utilize the dependence that we have on their programs and exploit them , and the inherent dangers of AI not functioning after giving these programs control of parts in our everyday lives are all major societal concerns.

The loss of jobs to these automated machines is a major social concern. Without a way to provide for their family thousands will suffer economic hardships. As already between the years 1997-2009 more than 400,000 people have been ousted with about 42% of these jobs being lost forever.  And in certain industrial settings humans have almost been completely phased out, for example¨ industries like food production have lost 60% of workers to automated processes¨(Vega). And this doesn't just affect the food industry as a reported 30 million people will lose their manufacturing jobs. Along with another 30% not including the 30 million manufacturing workers are all expected to be replaced by 2030. Speaking of 2030 ¨the number of jobs lost to automation by 2030 in the U.S is set to reach 73 million¨(Vega). And this isn't just a problem in the U.S.A all over the world the loss of jobs to AI is a global concern. As in the UK 9.8 million workers were let go in 2020 with about 5.9 million of those jobs being in high risk areas where the implantation of AI in the future is almost certain. And it is expected that in the UK AI will create as many jobs as it takes in the next 20 years, 

And not only is the loss of jobs a concern but the exploitation of these programs raise concerns as to their usefulness. The growth of machine intelligence can be attributed to a few key things, improvements in technology, algorithms, processing systems, and the ability to communicate with and learn from humans. Now, this is done through an artificial language, this being the code we have used to create and command these machines. As machines try to learn from human examples there are some areas that might be a problem for example. Ambiguity: the machine not being able to understand the correct meaning of work in a certain situation, impreciseness the information given to the machine might not be complete or fully explained, And the ability to understand social cues are all areas that machines have a hard time understanding and the continued development of programs with little being done to fix these issues leaves the future use of AI into question. As in 2016 an incident like this occurred. An AI by the name of COMPAS used by the Florida court system to predict how likely a person is to re-offend was found to be incorrect based on the AI's understanding of data. The formula was particularly likely to flag black defendants as future criminals¨(Angwin). When something like this happens it puts into question whether you would want an AI making decisions instead of a person. This dependence on AI could lead to the overuse of these programs. Like using AI in situations that call for a more human approach like trying to explain complex social issues. Along with that just like any other technology nowadays these programs run the risk of being hacked causing irreparable damage as most AI is set to run itself with little to no supervision. Machines that are programmed to kill raise the fear of the use of AI in weapons could start a global arms race for AI. Since the military has begun to start using AI to run certain weapons which could lead to the loss of control of these weapons and have them used against us.

AI not functioning properly is a big concern also. As new technology is developed the thought of a fully autonomous vehicle is a real possibility. But would you really wanna give up the wheel? A new study done by the insurance institute for highway safety said that ¨Even if all cars are fully autonomous…a full two-thirds of car crashes would still occur¨(Gilbert). Also, AI might lack the ability to make decisions based on everyday occurrences that we take for granted. For example, a program created to detect inappropriate behavior on chat forums might do an adequate job. In that aspect, say if that program were introduced to a medical form it might not understand the difference in medical professionals discussing medical events than have happened. This is backed up by the researchers that thought that state-of-the-art Ai would be able to distinguish 90% of logical assumptions but after tests, they found it was only able to understand 31%.

All this puts whether replacing humans with artificial intelligence in parts of everyday life is truly the best choice for humanity.

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