Scholarship Essay Example

📌Category: Education, Scholarship
📌Words: 645
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 16 October 2022

For most of my life, I somehow persuaded myself that I was never good enough, in relation to whether it was along the lines of a family circle, education, or any other area for that matter. Although it didn’t seem like it at the time, looking back on it, I can see the various low points I was reaching. Despite this, I assured myself the only one I have to prove myself to is the worst critic of all, me. One of my first goals I ever thought to make was, “strengthen your mentality.” I then, could see myself achieving a balance through setting goals, and making plans to set those goals in motion. I’ve persevered, persisted, and in the end overcame not only many educational obstacles, but the obstacles of life. The results I’ve reaped have proven to me that I’m capable of and will continue to grow for myself, a consistent and balanced life. Now, as the final chapter of my high school journey comes to an end, my resolve to reach the goals that have been in the making since the beginning of my freshman year has become ever so stronger. For this reason, one of my fervent goals is to, create and maintain a strong and enriching mentality. This is more of a personal goal, something that has reminded me for some time to do my best and follow what I know I can do, but don’t stop there, continue to learn more. As I enter the early years of being an adult, and college student, I want to do what I can to gain as much experience and knowledge I can acquire. What needs to be done, is what’s going to happen. 

After I graduate from high school, I will be attending Bakersfield College. My declared major (architecture/computer aided drafting) will offer me numerous opportunities to develop and grow in my critical thinking and knowledge of math(long), something which I have struggled with for so long. One of my long term educational goals at Bakersfield College is earning the required credits needed to transfer a four-year university of my choice. The general education plan I have chosen follows the, “Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum(IGETC).” This curriculum assists me with information about the required courses and credits I will need to complete in order to transfer to that four-year university architectural degree program. This works best for me so that I can focus on courses related to Architecture. While attending I do have short term goals I would work hard to reach ,such as, maintaining focus, creating an organized schedule to make the most use of my time, figure out a financial plan to ensure I have what I need to make college a comfortable experience, and taking some time aside from school for online learning courses. My goals will change as I find other goals to prioritize. One I should and want to prioritize is finding joy in the little things of college life, not becoming so focused on schoolwork that I forget what I’m studying for. After Bakersfield College, I’d like to engage more in courses that will lead me to earn an Associate of Science Degree in Architecture. Between this time, I want to create more social connections by joining some type of program with other’s who want to enter the Architecture industry. Then I really want to strive for a Master’s degree. I understand that I really need self-discipline to be a successful student, so I have resolved to control my time and energy by making periodic fixes to my daily life. 

When it comes to finances, I am on a tight budget due to being the caretaker of my mother. So this scholarship would help lessen my financial burden between taking care of my mother, myself, and necessary school equipment. Not only school equipment, but the courses I need to help get closer to transferring to a four-year university architecture program. Any scholarship I can obtain will help me spend my time more wisely, such as studying and volunteering to gain more experience. Being awarded this scholarship I will have complete one, goal now onto the next!

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