Schools Should Provide Free Water Bottles for Students (Free Essay Sample)

📌Category: Education, School
📌Words: 487
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 23 September 2022

Districts provide students with many needs, but what is the point of making them pay for them the most basic need? Many schools allow students to get free lunch, free milk, and other supplies. These are all very basic needs that every student should be provided with. But why do schools make students pay for water bottles? Water is one of the most needed supplies to stay healthy. In my opinion, districts around the U.S. should provide free water bottles along with milk after lunch.

Many parents give their children a weekly allowance for school, lunch, and transportation which cost a significant amount of money. So not every student can afford to buy a water bottle for lunch every day since they have other things to pay for also. Not every lunch that the school provides tastes good with milk. An example of a bad lunch combo can be a cheeseburger and chocolate milk. Students would probably end up having to buy themselves a water bottle since they wouldn't want to drink milk. Also, many schools already make you pay for stuff. Some even make them pay for water which is confusing because it's a common need. So, making them pay for water isn't fair at all. These two pieces of evidence indicate that students would need to waste extra money on water while already paying for other basic needs.

At a certain age, most kids stop drinking milk and some never even drank milk. There are many kids out there who can’t drink milk because of medical reasons. Such as the condition lactose intolerance. People who are affected by this condition shouldn’t be drinking milk. Between thirty to fifty million people in the U.S. suffer from lactose intolerance. A notable amount of those people are children. This means that those children won't have anything to drink at lunch since they only provide milk. Besides that, some kids are disgusted by the taste and smell of milk. The taste and smell of milk can cause children to feel sick especially if they don't like milk. As shown in this paragraph, some students can’t drink milk and there are various reasons why.

On the other hand, many argue that schools should not provide free water bottles for students. This point of view can also be logical because students might waste water bottles or forget them somewhere. If they forget the water bottle somewhere it's gonna end up going to the trash which is a waste of water and damages the environment. However, schools not providing free water bottles can and will affect a student's academic performance. It can cause dehydration which would lead the student to get a headache and tired quickly. This would cause their performance to negatively dropdown. Therefore, schools should provide students with free water bottles along with milk.

In conclusion, students already pay for many needs, and having them pay for water isn't fair. Them having to pay for water isn't the best idea. Many students can't always afford to buy bottled water at school daily. To add to that, Certain students can't drink milk for medical reasons and some aren't a fan of it.

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