The Differences and Similarities Between Public School and Private School Essay Example

📌Category: Education, School
📌Words: 336
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 21 September 2022

What is the definition of education? Well, based on, education is the process of giving knowledge, skill, and ideas to a being. Private schools and public schools both share education with students, they each take tests, have a small break in the middle of the day, and students are expected to be respectful to their teachers. However, there is a variation of changes, including dress code, schedule, and funding. 

Private schools and public schools both share many similarities. An example of these similarities is that each one provides education for students to expand their knowledge. Students go through classes of each subject, expected to listen and understand the current lesson. Pupils also get quizzes or tests to show their understanding of what they’re learning. Additionally, both schools provide lunch to refresh themselves after long hours of learning. During lunches students also get the opportunity to socialize with their peers, and make opportunities to make new friends. 

On the contrary, there is a variation of changes too. In private schools generally, students need to wear uniforms that have the school's colors, name, or a symbol related to the school. Although in public school, that is not typically the case. Public schools usually allow students to wear whatever they would like as long as they follow the basic dress code. Dress codes in public schools contain all the basic rules; shirts with no inappropriate language, clothes that contain any hate act against a specific group, and much more. In addition, private schools are not funded by the federal government, unlike public schools. Private schools get funded by student tuition, fundraisers, and gifts from donors. 

To conclude the definitions of education, both private schools, and public schools, include the necessary curriculum for real-life experiences and help set students into the mindset of the real world. They each have their own unique ways of providing education to students of all ages. Both private schools as well as public schools not only prioritize knowledge but standardize constant social interaction with peers and it allows convenience for students because it is necessary for humans to socialize. Both of the schools contribute to basic life skills and open up the pathway to student growth.

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