The Harmful Effects of Alcohol Essay Sample

📌Category: Addiction, Health
📌Words: 772
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 18 April 2022

As the short term effects of heavy alcohol consumption are present at the time of drinking, the long term effects are the ones that creep up on the overconsumers. Heavy alcohol consumption is the leading factor to many diseases for those who partake in drinking around fifteen or more drinks per week. As well as the risk of disease, overconsumption of alcohol also impacts one’s mental health and their personal lives. It is difficult to realize the harmful effects alcohol has on the body because it is not always present at the time of consumption. This is why it is important to understand not only the short term effect, but also the long term effects. 

There are over thirty conditions that alcohol consumption contributes to. The main diseases are infectious disease, cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease,  liver and pancreas disease, and neuropsychiatric disease. The long-term effects of over consuming alcohol centers around the immune system. The immune system is the first area alcohol targets as it decreases the body’s ability to defend infectious diseases. The issues begin in the GI tract, where the alcohol is pumped into the bloodstream, damaging the epithelial cells and T-cells which results in leakage of bacteria into the blood. This bacteria creates a domino effect in the body that leads to the many diseases seen in heavy drinkers. The bacteria in the blood continues throughout the body making its way to the organs. The liver is the first organ alcohol attacks, as liver disease is prevalent in heavy drinkers. There are three conditions associated with this disease: fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, and cirrhosis. Fatty liver is the most common of the three because it can occur in only a few days. The liver increases in fat which damages its ability to metabolize and balance the blood. If overconsumption occurs for longer periods of time, hepatitis inflammation of the liver occurs. This inflammation can eventually lead to cirrhosis, which is when the health cells are replaced with scar tissue that enable the liver to function properly. If alcohol consumption continues for too long, liver failure begins and the only way to repair this issue is a liver transplant. Another major risk associated with heavy alcohol consumption is cancer. As the immune system is unable to fight off infection, the risk of cancer increases. When the body breaks down alcohol, acetaldehyde is produced. Researchers have concluded that at high levels, this contributes to the development of cancer in the digestive tract. Heavy alcohol consumption has also been discovered to cause oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, liver, colorectum, and female breast cancers. Diabetes is another increased risk with long-term effects of alcohol. The risk is seen through the pancreas. Consuming too much alcohol causes inflammation in the pancreas, which weakens the body’s ability to secrete insulin. Cardiovascular disease is prevalent in heavy drinkers as well because of the increase in heart failure, blood pressure, and strokes. When drinking alcohol, there is an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, but for those who partake in heavy drinking this is ongoing which increases the risk for heart failure or a stroke. Research has discovered in heavy drinkers tachycardia, which is the increase in one's heart rate. Over a period of time, this can cause blood clots in the arteries which leads to having to undergo serious surguy or even death. With blood pressure, this can lead to hypertension which thickens the arteries and increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Cardiomyopathy is also a risk with heavy alcohol consumption. Cardiomyopathy weakens the heart muscles which weakens the contractions, so the heart is not pumping enough blood which results in congestive heart failure. 

One of the biggest effects alcohol consumption has on the body is in the brain. Psychological disorders arise in those who take advantage of drinking and begin to become dependent on it. When one becomes dependent on alcohol their neurotransmitters decrease in effectiveness, as well as, kill and damage brain cells. when these cells are too far gone, it is unlikely they will ever be repaired to full function. This can result in addiction, dementia, epilepsy, and many more disorders. Although the health risks of heavy drinking are dangerous to the body, the other great risk involves the social aspect of these people's lives. When becoming dependent on alcohol, the need to consume overrides the need to maintain a job, relationship with family and friends, and the will to do anything other than drink. Losing sight of the important people and activities in one’s life holds great danger to not only their mental health, but also the mental health of those around them. When it is all said and done, consuming alcohol occasionally is nothing to fear. For women one drink per day and men two drinks per day is the healthy way to drink. It becomes a problem when getting through the day seems impossible without a drink. By understanding the long-term effects of over consuming alcohol, prevention of future issues can be possible.

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