A Violation of Womens' Human Rights Essay Example

📌Category: Feminism, Human rights, Social Issues
📌Words: 825
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 28 August 2022

She is a young lady who wishes desperately to be educated, yet is bound by child marriage and a hefty family burden. She is deemed less capable than her colleagues just because of her gender. She tries to fight for her own rights but is upset by the frail voice at the administrative table. They live in the four corners of the globe and they live in societies where gender inequality is ubiquitous. Despite the growing advocacy for women’s human rights, violations of females’ human rights are still abrading our world.

The challenges that all women face vary, with violence against women being dominant. Officially dubbed as a ‘global health problem of epidemic proportions’, such violence is a plague that is aching communities. In Africa, female genital mutilation has been a traditional ritual which is often undergone without the consent of these females. Despite having been illicit in modern times, many of genital cutting incidents remain underreported. Additionally, illegal human trafficking for pornography, forced prostitution, etc. has put the affected individuals in immense pain. Lamentably, violence against females also takes a high toll on our global community, particularly on the healthcare systems. Conceivably, victims’ sufferings should not be quantified by mere statistics and numbers. Yet, with 4.4 million lives taken all over the world each year, the statistics from the WHO signal how much government proactivity and public policy should be targeted at this catastrophe.

While violence against females stalks societies and loots away people’s precious items, unequal economic and job opportunities are of zero tolerance. It is well known that women in less developed countries are often barred from working as white collars or in male-dominant industries such as the construction sector, if not being kept away from receiving education. In worlds of affluence and fortuity, unfairness among genders still exists. Admittedly, some communities have put their effort into equalizing the chances for both genders. However, the effectiveness of these efforts are obvious. From a qualitative research study, staff in academia in many European countries are dominated by males despite the equal opportunities policies. This compels people to wonder if females' human rights in the workplace are nothing more than a goal that is always being pursued, but not accomplished.

Everyone knows what feminism is but not everyone understand the meaning of this ideology. The feminists yearn for a future which males and females can finally sit on equal footing and can no longer be locked in the cage of gender inequality while some misogynistic people may dismiss their devotion as man-hating, according to Emma Watson at the HeForShe Campaign 2014. More dishearteningly, traditional social assumptions towards genders might have concealed the potential of millions and millions of females just because they are not supposed to be the leader which ‘should be’ the role of men. When females want to stand up and fight for their rights, the support for them is not enough, resulting in a delayed response to such a crisis.

Work done for combating challenges faced by women is far from sufficient. More has to be done to ameliorate the situation. Financially, given that women may face more economic limitations in the exploration of their career due to a generally lower pay than men(Shen, H.2013), funds and financial aids that secure women’s opportunities in their career can be proffered. For instance, charities can be founded to give women who have resounding triumphs in the early stages of their careers recognition and to encourage females to explore their potential at diversified aspects. Moreover, education programmes with better technological and academic facilities should be set up for girls living in destitute regions provided that they can be educated by professionals and assisted by therapists when needed. Reskilling campaigns are equally important for midlife women in general, especially those who intend to get back to the workforce after decades of child-raising challenges. After all, no one should be barred from education and training because of their gender or background.

Merely the aforementioned solutions are still insufficient. Deep-seated in most conservationists’ minds is a favor of males over females. This has to be curbed. To do so, we can attempt the two-pronged approach. On one side, the government can clamp down on crimes that are based hugely on gender inequality or cause huge menace to women, including forced prostitution, human trafficking, employment discrimination and child marriage, to name but a few. Regulations can be tuned with accordance to the degree of severity and seriousness. On the other side, it is vital that communities are exposed to the meaning of fighting for gender equality and the harms of not doing so. They should know the gravity of gender equality and how this issue is corroding our planet. By establishing a well-organized advertising campaign and incorporating the right mindset into the compulsory curriculum can societies and even our future generations be alert to the imminent threat of the issue and put a halt to its snowballing.

Granted, the ripple effects of gender inequality extends to every corner of our planet. Gender inequality would never be the issue for only women, but for every human being. Only by working hand in hand and making every endeavor to promote the invaluable fairness among all sexes can we embrace an even brighter future. Only by striving in unity can we let all women on the earth get rid of the predicament they are faced with.

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