Admission Essay Sample: The Academy of Research and Medical Sciences

📌Category: Education, Higher Education
📌Words: 473
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 04 June 2022

The Academy of Research and Medical Sciences is designed for students who have an interest in either the research or medical fields. Please explain what aspect of the research or the medical field you are interested in and tell how you believe the Academy can help you obtain your future goals and aspirations.:

Applying for The Academy of Research and Medical Sciences the aspect of research or medical field that interests me the most is psychology. When it comes to my future goals and aspirations, my long-life goal is to become Criminal Justice Lawyer to do this I want/need to educate myself on the study of psychology to combine it with my interest in law.

To further explain how I believe the Academy can help me obtain my goal, I will explain how I believe psychology and law are great to use hand and hand.

According to Barbara Anne Spellman a current professor of law and professor of psychology at the University of Virginia “Law is about the regulation of human behavior; psychology is the study of human behavior. Psychology should inform the creation, implementation, and compliance (or lack thereof) with law.” Looking at this statement Barbara A. Spellman whose work straddles the two professions (a lawyer and psychologist), having been trained first as a lawyer and later as a cognitive psychologist with this statement we are introduced into a small snippet of how many lawyers believe psychology go hand and hand with law.

Now for me to enlarge on this idea, we know our Constitution codifies the core values of the people. Then courts have the responsibility to interpret the Constitution's meaning, as well as the meaning of any laws passed by Congress, and this is a way we use to sentence criminals. But with the law’s psychology is another fact in sentencing an example being degrees of murder; Murder in the first degree, murder committed with malicious intents that is willful and premeditated vs Murder in the second degree committed with malice aforethought but not organized or premeditated. Looking at these definitions we can tell that the difference is in the murder’s thoughts before or during the crime, which is found through psychology looking at behavior.

Having these goals and believes set in mind my main objective is to begin to learn about psychology to better understand it and support my career path. And when looking at students from the program who proceeded further to work in a variety of fields like psychology, medical research, and epidemiology, I know the Academy is the right place to go. I believe the Academy does have the resources and curriculum to help me do and learn my absolute best. I am aware that studying psychology at the academy will provide me with numerous opportunities that will have a significant impact on my understanding of psychology and how I may apply it to enhance my chance of reaching my overall goals and aspirations. All in all, I believe the Academy can help me obtain my future goals and aspirations and is the right place for me.

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