Essay Example on Causes and Symptoms of Depression

📌Category: Health, Mental health
📌Words: 605
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 04 June 2022

Depression. The American Psychiatric Association defines it as a “serious medical illness that negatively affects how (one) feel[s], the way (one) think[s], and how (one) act[s].” The Mayo Clinic calls it a “major depressive disorder or clinical depression.” It haunts teenagers in early adulthood and puberty and the cause varies throughout each patient; while not looking the same in every person, there is not a definitive cure. Unfortunately, in this day and age, depression is an overused expression to describe extreme sadness and distress, not referring to the condition itself or referencing the severity of its nature; it is also used to gain attention on social media and in relationships with others.


Despite depression being different for each person, there are many landmark symptoms that can indicate signs of depression in an individual. Changes in mood, increased fatigue, weight gain/loss, and suicidal thoughts being more notable symptoms among many.


Many believe that once an adolescent hits the magical age of thirteen, depression will come knocking on  his or her door. While this isn’t entirely accurate, it is true that depression often starts in childhood. According to an article on MedicineNet, the four major causes of depression are listed as family history, illness and health issues, medication, drugs, and alcohol, and personality. 

In regards to family history, though there doesn’t seem to be any specific patterns in DNA or genes that can link depression to it being a genetically inherited condition, it is more likely than not, if family members have had depression, a person is more inclined to experience it as well. Be that as it may, it is also possible with certain personality types, some individuals are simply more predisposed to depression as well; individuals that naturally stress, overthink, worry, and have low self-esteem are those that are more likely to be depressed. 

For illness and health issues, it is to be said that most, if not all, doctors are familiar with how patients experience depression after a procedure or treatment, which is why mental health treatment is usually offered after the fact. Many severe, chronic health problems that alter a patient’s lifestyle have been proven to cause depression with the intense and extensive changes. It is also noted in the article that issues revolving “hormones, menstrual cycle or menopause, low blood sugar, or sleep problems can be [especially] impactful (MedicineNet).” 

As for medication, drugs and alcohol, unfortunately, many patients, when given new medication experience depression as a very common side effect. It also seems that recreational use of drugs and alcohol may also cause or even worsen depression. While it may seem to help at the moment, it will ultimately make the user feel worse. 

In addition to these four major causes, it is said that, also, major life events that bring across a great deal of stress may add on to and increase one’s chances of being depressed. Examples being divorces/break ups, deaths of loved ones, etc. And while it may increase the likelihood of depression, it is not always a guaranteed product. When it comes to stressful events and situations, depending on the person's outlook and the way he/she handles the situation, depression may not even be a factor.

What can we do?

The million dollar questions that parents and loved ones are dying to have answered. There is not a set treatment or cure for depression, however, there are some ways that have aided in the alleviation of depression, therapy being a main form of treatment. Therapy or counseling provides a safe place for a person experiencing depression to talk about his or her feelings to try and cope and understand how and why he or she is feeling a certain way. On top of this, it is also shown that making lifestyle changes can vastly improve depression. It may be as simple as creating good habits like exercising or going to bed at a certain time that can make a good change in someone’s life.

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