Essay on NJHS Core Values

📌Category: Education, Religion
📌Words: 569
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 31 May 2022

If you are in the National Junior Honors Society, it is exceedingly important that you show these five qualities; service, leadership, scholarship, citizenship, and character.

The first quality is service. Service is one of the many profound qualities that Jesus calls us to live out. Jesus spent his whole life on earth demonstrating what it means to be a servant. Because our Lord made Himself the lowest servant and gave up his glory for us, we too should share Jesus' love by serving others. In fact, the Bible says it so many times. 1 Peter 4:10 says "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms". Not only are we called to be a servant, but Jesus actually says that we can each serve in our own unique ways using the gifts He has given us. Using our talents to serve others is one of the greatest ways of reflecting God's love here on earth.

The second quality is leadership. Leadership has a huge impact on others, so it is important that we use our power as a leader in order to benefit instead of hurting. Being a good leader means putting others before yourself. It means including everyone’s ideas or thoughts, not just your own. To find an example of a humble leader, we can look to the Bible. Matthew 20:26-28 talks about how those of us who are great and have an abundance of power, should also be slaves and servants. Even though leaders hold a high status, there will always be those greater than them. It is important that a leader shows respect towards both authorities above them, and the people they are leading.

The next quality is scholarship. Scholarship isn't just about getting good grades, it's about being resourceful, engaged, responsible, and prepared. In order to be a good student, one must strive for excellence, while being diligent in everything they do. In Colossians 3:23, Jesus tells us to work hard in everything we do as if working for the Lord, not for man. This verse can be very difficult to live out because as humans, we are naturally self-centered. Working for the Lord takes a great deal of humility, and it's easy to lose focus of who we are actually giving the glory to. Instead, we must engage in everything we do, asking God for help along the way.

The fourth quality is citizenship. As Christians, we have a duty to be an active citizen in both America and the kingdom of God. Being a citizen of America means acknowledging and obeying the rules and principles of our town, city, state, or country. On the other hand, being a citizen of the Lord means not just obeying His rules and commandments, but also living them out. As children of God, we are called to be stewards of the earth as members of His family.

The final quality is character. Character is based on how you speak, think, and act. Initiative, reliability, and compassion are all key attributes of an admirable character. One of the greatest examples of how we should base our character is the Fruit of the Spirit. And of course, the greatest of these is love. We can show love to those around us by serving, leading, and guiding, and when we do, others will start to admire our disposition.

Demonstrating these qualities helps build our character, and most importantly, helps us to be more like Jesus. When we show these qualities to the world around us, we are able to live a better and more fulfilling life for the glory of our Father.

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