Face To Face Learning Essay Sample

📌Category: Education, Learning
📌Words: 762
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 10 June 2022

Does one on one learning seem like a good idea for Hillsboro City Schools? Well. If you think about it could help benefit a lot of kids that don't have a chromebook at home or just can't afford one . Also, kids that don't or can't get a computer. One on one learning is where a student can take a computer home and basically do homework and other subjects/assignments. They can also use them if they can't get internet access. So this will be about the pros with one on one learning.

First of all, if the students are allowed to have a computer to bring home, they will most likely get a lot more of their work done such as homework and assignments that may be getting close to due. They could also see when their teacher posted an assignment even at home and check their grades if they don't have time in school. Despite the opposition's belief that the students could break them or lose them, the evidence clearly states that “ Students and families are responsible for damaged and lost chromebooks”. So this proves that students are going to be more responsible for the chromebooks and not going to want to let anything happen to it. Yes, it did talk about how each class set cost about 10,000 dollars. Also there are more than 32 homerooms but, if the students have to pay rent on them they are more likely to be able to keep the same ones for a long time due to them not wanting to have to pay for them. Also if you damage a chromebook charging cord you will have to pay a replacement cost of 25.00. So all of this proves that the students get lots of benefits for one on one technology.

Furthermore, one on one technology for Hillsboro City Schools could benefit us students a lot. Whether it comes to doing assignments or even finishing work we did not finish in class. Now that we are older we will have more responsibility and be more likely to not to lose our chromebooks or break them. Some may think that the students will just copy and paste but if they get a machine that can detect copying then it will be fixed and they have trackers so they can see what you are doing. The administration can also see what you do on the chromebooks so you can't. Also if your chromebook starts glitching it can be fixed by your teacher and if not by your teacher than the IT department. There are also consequences for if you use the device inappropriately,steal or break it. So this shows that one on one technology has easy fixes and can really help if you fall behind or just don't get your work done on time.

Some might argue that the students may just play games or do other inappropriate things with the chromebooks,but “Parents and distraction can also set up internet blocks so it helps keep students from visiting other sites when they are supposed to be working.” So the evidence clearly shows that their parents can set up an internet block so the students can't play games while they are supposed to be working. The administration can also use different apps and such to see what you are doing and see what you have done. One big thing that one on one technology benefits is not only the students but also the teachers and parents. Because you are going to have more time at home to finish your work mostly they will be gettin all to most work in from everyone because of the extra time you have to do your work. It may even help your grades because you will have a lot more time to study if you have a test or quiz. Also it can bring up your scores for your test if you study on the computers. Plus if you don't finish work like ixls you can always do them at home with your chromebook. Even little things such as you don't finish your classwork. So this shows that there is more beneficial than not with one on one learning.

Finally, in conclusion,one on one learning is very good and every school should have it. Also due to the benefits it has towards both student and teacher it could really help out with schooling in general. As far as us students at Hillsboro City Schools we do not yet have one on one technology but it surely would help us out when we are not in classrooms. Also it could possibly make us better at school work if we study through the computers and take tests on them. So as you can see one on one technology would be a huge upgrade for us middle schoolers and benefit everyone including teachers and just maybe make school just that much better.

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