Personal Essay about Gardening

📌Category: Hobby, Life, Myself
📌Words: 315
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 05 October 2022

Gardening can be fun, but let’s face it sometimes it is a challenge. I have been gardening for years, and I have found that only a couple of vegetables are worth trying your first year, due to inexperience, lack of knowledge, and effort. So, here are a compiled list of 5 of the Best Vegetables to Grow for Beginners! 

During this time of year, everyone is most excited about gardening.  Garden centers and nurseries are filled with new and enthusiastic beginner gardeners looking to start their very first vegetable garden. Amongst those looking to start a garden, they will face 3 major problems, which often prevents them from ever starting a vegetable garden.

Take into consideration, the many times you have been to the store, and you are all filled with excitement. You have an idea of what you would like, but you are not sure of the level of difficulty, or even how you will mange the vegetables. So, you pick out some collard greens and cabbage. Maybe feeding them once a month is fine, or perhaps it should  be every week, or can it can be watered once a month, are the thoughts running through your mind. Then you look again, before you move onto other vegetables, only to notice that there are more varieties of strawberries, and now you are unsure of which one to get. So, you think, which one taste better because of course who doesn’t love a sweet strawberry. On top of that, the plants require a certain amount of sunlight, water, even food, and you are unsure if you can keep it up. Now, your once hopeful experience of growing your own vegetables is a little more hectic, than you initially thought. You are so done, and I get it. When I first started my garden back in 2018, I wish someone would have told me that you should put tomatoes in full sun, do not spray your plants in full sun, or even what varieties of tomatoes taste the best.

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