Similarities Between Rock and Classical Music Essay Example

📌Category: Entertainment, Music
📌Words: 717
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 31 August 2022

Music has made a profound impact on society. It is powerful enough to alter our emotions and dynamic enough to connect us to different cultures. Although music has evolved, it is the universal language that we all understand and tether us together. This paper will analyze the similarities between rock and classical music. 

I decided to evaluate the similarities and differences between Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s “Piano Concerto No.23 in A major” and Queen’s Live Aid performance at Wembley Stadium in 1985, which is considered one of the greatest live rock concerts of all times. I thoroughly enjoyed both concerts. I found them both entertaining and captivating. Queen’s lead singer, Freddy Mercury’s energy was unmatched, and it was reciprocated by the crowd. The crowd was very engaged, they shouted the lyrics to every song that was played. It’s almost as if he had cast a spell that hypnotized the crowd with his incredible music and vocal abilities. The Piano Concerto No.23 concert gives a different energy than the rock concert. The pianist played with so much emotion, passion, and grace. He portrayed, understood, and delivered every (melancholic) emotion that Mozart expressed with this piece. As I closed my eyes and listened to the orchestra play, I was transcended to another place. 

As much as people would like to say that there are not major differences between classical and rock music, I find them to have more differences than similarities. However, I feel as if rock music would be obsolete without classical music. “Rock formed as a result of western music. Rock music would not sound the way it does, had it not been for its predecessors in classical music” (Augustine, 2019).

During the classical concert, the performers and the audience were more conservative and formally dressed while at the rock concert, the crowd were more carefree and dressed in jeans and t-shirts, some were even shirtless. The two concerts will have you in two different mindsets. The classical concert will place you in a clam and relax state of mind; more of a serene moment where nothing else matters except being present in that moment. While on the other hand, the rock concert motivates you to clean, workout, dance to the rhythm and energetic tempo, and just have fun. When it comes to rock music, the songs are typically shorter than a classical piece. Classical music takes a more angelic approach to command the listener’s attention, replying on an orchestra instead of electric and bass guitars and drums like rock music to carry heavy melodies and rhythm. 

During the Classical Era, it became apparent that music should be enjoyed by everyone instead of being exclusively for the royal courts and churches. Hence why, it became important to have more public spaces available for public concerts. “As European society gradually changed from agrarian to working class and an emphasis was placed on enjoying beauty and pleasure, public concerts became important, and the arts were widely developed” (Hansen et al., 2014). This era gave musicians and composers more freedom to experiment with their music which included clear melodies and simple harmonies. As the economic and social statuses began to shift, musicians and composers become freelancers as they began to give private music lessons. I think you would find a diverse group of people at a rock concert. In my opinion, people that attend rock concerts attend to get a break from their daily work or life routine, in search of fun, entertainment, and simply trying something new. Whether classical or rock concerts is your forte, generally, everyone is there for the same reason, the love of music. 

Technology has had a major influence on how music is experienced. We now have access to different streaming platforms to make it easier for us to listen to any genre of music at our own discretion. With the internet, artists can connect with people from various parts of the world to build their fan base. Artists are now able to record and distribute music at their discretion. During the Classical Era, people were trained to play instruments and read music. They had no way to record music at that time. Nowadays, through technology advances, you can have any type of instrument you are searching for with the push of a button; although some may argue that it’s takes away from the artistry in music. However, there are some disadvantages as well. Some people are dishonest and spend their time illegally downloading music, which means that the artists are possibly losing funds. It is imperative that we never forget the passion and creativity that goes into making music because music has the power to inspire and evoke change.

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