UCSD vs. USC Essay Example

📌Category: Education, Higher Education
📌Words: 255
📌Pages: 1
📌Published: 27 September 2022

Did you know UCSD and USC are top 5 for best universities in California. There are so many great universities but those are my favorite. After my research I think UCSD is better for me.

My first reason is that there are many Mexican restaurants nearby like javiers and also seafood. There is also very good on campus foods such as Rubio’s, Green Arce, Santorini Island Grill, and Foodworx. The school supplies us with food. There is a one year all you can eat plan for only 240 dollars.

My next topic is all of the degree options. Some of the degree options are anthropology, bioethics, climate change studies, environmental systems, mechanical engineering, public health, med school and more. I am hoping I can get the med school because I want to be an Orthopedic Surgeon, Neurosurgeon, or a Plastic Surgeon. I think it would be very cool and fun. That leads me into my next topic: Fun In The Area.

Some fun things to do in the area are: Going to the San Diego Zoo, Laser Tag, Trampoline park, museum, and more. Those things will be fun because I like to do all of those things. I can also invite some of my friends to go to all of those places. When ever I am done with studying I can go to a restaurant near by or one of those fun place for a study break.

In conclusion, those are all of the reasons that USC does not have. That is why I think UCSD is better for me. UCSD is just better fitting for me. At least better fitting for me than USC.

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