Working From Home Essay Example

📌Category: Life, Work
📌Words: 604
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 23 February 2022

The benefits of working from opens up a new range of possibilities for the way businesses can work and structure themselves. With the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, home working has given some employers the flexibility they need to continue their business operations while prioritizing staff and customer health and wellbeing as part of their public health responsibility. Also, before the coronavirus pandemic, working from home was on the increase as many employers identified the benefits that it can bring to their business and the improved work-life balance for their employees.

When working from home, one gets to enjoy many benefits, more flexibility and eliminates commute with the risk of being infected. It will reduce fuel and traveling expenses. Working from home can make it easier for employees to create a better work-life balance and take care of their health. It eliminates most of the traditional aspects of going to work, dressing in business attire, while reducing social interaction and standard means of accountability. Depending on your preferred work style and culture priorities, it could either be positive for you or negative. Since remote work tends to be more flexible, employees can better manage their personal time in the event that they have an appointment or to take care of families. 

Individuals who work from home encounter fewer social distractions from coworkers, which can lead to improved productivity in the workplace. Additionally, it takes you away from any work politics, sometimes it becomes difficult to cut yourself from any embarrassing moment, and you having to choose between your co-workers and your boss. When you are working from home, you cut yourself from all the unnecessary things that waste your time, like attending meetings or taking breaks frequently or indulging yourself in gossips. When you do the task in your home, it creates a sense of responsibility as you are far away from your workplace and work desk, which inculcates in yourself a sense of authority as well as responsibility. 

Employees also have the opportunity to balance time, which can help them return to their work feeling more energized and motivated. You can also communicate with fellow coworkers and family members without having fear of being infected. This will increase your productivity while keeping your interest at a maximum level. You can even take breaks at your leisure. However, this requires self-discipline and motivation enough to manage time responsibly and complete job with effectiveness and efficiency. 

During the pandemic it’s a challenging time for all of us. COVID-19 has brought uncertainty and disruption to every business and has led to a lot of abrupt changes to how we get our jobs done. Employees utilize their telecommuting skills which often requires using technical applications, such as online meeting, communication and team collaboration platforms. You are able to develop technical skills that you may not typically use in a physical workplace. There has to be consistent communication between teams and managers, which likely requires more emails, phone calls, video calls and chats in messaging platforms. To ensure the business stay afloat more and more employees hosting virtual events to stay connected with one another in a face-to-face way, even if it’s mediated through a screen which could be Zoom, Skype and WhatsApp, Google Hangouts and some are even free to use. Some requires internet connections.  

With the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic being the primary topic on the news and concerns increasing over the economic impact of government shutdowns some persons have trouble maintaining a positive state of mind. However, maintaining a positive attitude can help better support your fellow coworkers to make rational, proactive decisions to handle the weeks and months of changes the pandemic comes with. A positive attitude improves your ability to solve problems, make decisions, use creative thinking and judge objectively. Having your positive state of mind can help you and your team identify the best technology platform to keep productivity at a high level working from home.

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