
Essay Sample on My City

I decided to call my City Tropica located in Honolulu, Hawaii. I wanted it to be more of a coastal city near the water. Also, the city is welcoming Homebase products with little trade and different tr…

Words: 734
Pages: 3
Personal Essay Example about Love

When is it my turn? When is it my turn to get kisses on my forehead every day? When is it my turn to get hugs from behind? When is it my turn to feel loved? God, it better come soon. I am tired of…

Words: 1170
Pages: 5
Personal Essay Example about Gym

I like to think that I have an eclectic range of interests, but if you were to ask any of my family or friends; they would tell you I am always at the gym. Some would even call me a "gym-rat" or "gym-…

Words: 522
Pages: 2