Essay About Kitchen: The Heart of a Home

📌Category: Home, Life
📌Words: 745
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 18 June 2022

The kitchen of a house is often labeled as “the heart of a home” because people use it for many different purposes, like cooking, conversing with others, and even doing homework. Inside of a house’s kitchen, you can find food, water, and conversation- some of the elements that make our homes comfortable. In my house, the kitchen is a space bustling with activity, a space where my family members gather, and a space where most of the comforts of home can be found.

The kitchen is located on the sprawling first floor of my two-story house. Half of the kitchen is absorbed by the dining room, and the other half is taken up by the kitchen and pantry. In the dining room, you can find a long black dining table. Around the table are corresponding black wooden chairs from the same furniture set as the table. Hanging proudly over the dining table is a small wrought-iron chandelier with four lightbulbs that brightly illuminates the dining table. At the head and foot of the dining table are two antique brown stools made of hickory wood that I always sit at during mealtimes. There are also several shelves with bags of snacks and jars filled with hard candy cough drops near the dining room. An old piano that was left by the previous owner stands proudly near the dining table and shelves. Within the kitchen, there is a large iron refrigerator that my family uses to store food, a modern-looking electronic stove, several black quartz countertops with flecks of silver, and corresponding rustic metal bar stools.

Finally, in the pantry of my house’s kitchen, there are several simplistic white cabinets and iron shelves that house sauces,herbs, spices, and condiments. The pantry also houses an entrance to the basement of my home, and several heavy bags of rice.

My family uses our dining room and kitchen for many different purposes. The dining room is used as a space to work or relax. On the weekdays, one can see my mother or father filling out invoices or reports for work and me doing my homework or taking an extracurricular online class. On the weekends, I can be seen at the dining table, reading a book by myself or calling my friends and relatives over Zoom. My family also uses the dining area as a place to hold family gathering, such as small dinner parties celebrating a close relative’s birthday or large holiday parties on Christmas or Thanksgiving. My family uses the kitchen as a place to cook and spend time with each other. If one comes into the kitchen at any time, they can find my mother and father speaking to each other about their day or my mother and grandmother speaking to each other in rapid-fire Tagalog. I also have very fond memories of smelling the luscious odors of my mother’s stir fries, pancit canton ( Filipino noodles with meat) or chocolate chip cookies and spending time with my mom cooking delicious foods such as sugar cookies, Swedish meatballs, and spaghetti.

My kitchen is a small yet cozy space. It leads from the dining room, all the way towards the kitchen itself and the pantry. I like several things about my kitchen. First, it has every resource that one might need to cook a meal, such as cookbooks, spices, herbs, and condiments because my mother always uses these resources to cook various savory and delicious dishes, such as pancit canton and chicken pot pie. In addition, I also like that the kitchen is a very open space. If my mother is in the kitchen when I am doing homework in the dining room, I can ask her for assistance without having to open a door and go in there myself. Another reason why I like the kitchen is because of the variety of odors I can smell there, such as the luscious aromas of tofu, baking cookies, and the pungent odors of fish and durian fruits. However, I also believe that my kitchen would greatly benefit from more decorations such as food-related paintings, wall art, and framed family photos.

The kitchen is not just a place for food preparation but is also an important space in my life. Many of my fondest memories take place in the kitchen- Memories of me cooking with my mom, memories of me playing with my toys as a toddler, and memories of me bonding with relatives. I also met some of my dearest friends- Calvin and John, when my mother invited their parents to my house for dinner when we were 8 years old. The kitchen is labeled as “the heart of the home” because it is where the comforts of home can be found. A kitchen is also a space where you can bond with family members, meet new people, and find.

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