Informative Essay About the Key Points in the Cell Cycle

📌Category: Biology, Health, Human Body, Science
📌Words: 361
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 04 June 2022

The human body is made up of cells, and cells are an essential part of human life. Cells go through the cell cycle which is the process that occurs in a cell as it develops and divides. The cell cycle consists of two parts, mitosis and interphase. Mitosis is the division of cells into two identical daughter cells to replace the worn-out cells in the body. A cell spends 90% of its time in interphase, which is when the cell grows, duplicates its chromosomes, and prepares for cell division. Interphase has 3 different phases: the G1 phase, the S phase, and the G2 phase. G1 is the phase that happens between the end of mitosis and the start of DNA replication during the S phase. The cell expands during this stage to prepare for DNA replication. DNA replication takes place during the S phase. A cell's genetic content is doubled before it undergoes mitosis, allowing enough DNA to be divided into daughter cells. During the G2 phase, Extra protein is frequently synthesized, and organelles increase until there are enough for two cells. Other cell components, such as membrane lipids, can also be created. Due to this activity, the cell frequently develops significantly. Interphase is followed by prophase. The chromatin condenses into separate chromosomes during prophase. The nuclear membrane degrades, and spindles develop at the cell's opposing poles. Chromatin, the nucleus's mix of DNA and proteins, condenses. The chromatin coils and compacts, eventually resulting in the formation of visible chromosomes. Prophase is followed by metaphase. The cell cycle stage during which all of the genetic material condenses into chromosomes is known as metaphase. The nucleus disappears at this stage, and the cell's chromosomes appear in the cytoplasm.

The third stage in the cell cycle is anaphase. During anaphase, each pair of chromosomes is separated into two identical, independent chromosomes. The mitotic spindle is a structure that separates the chromosomes during mitosis. Anaphase is followed by telophase. A nuclear membrane arises around each pair of chromosomes during telophase to isolate the nuclear DNA from the cytoplasm. Chromosomes begin to uncoil, becoming more spread out and less dense.The last stage is cytokinesis. Cytokinesis is the physical process through which a parent cell divides into two identical daughter cells. The cell membrane pinches in near the cell equator during cytokinesis, generating a gap known as the cleavage furrow.

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