The Importance of Vaccination Essay Sample

📌Category: Health, Vaccination
📌Words: 464
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 17 June 2022

How much do we know about vaccines? Vaccination has been our priority ever since it first came out and will be until all 7 billion of us have been inoculated. When one is vaccinated, they are likely to be more protected against the virus, but because not everyone is vaccinated, people with detected and undetected health conditions are in danger. New variants of the virus will occur. Vaccines are there to help reduce the risks of severe complications and even death. 

How do vaccines work? According to the World Health Organization, vaccines have weakened parts of particular organisms that trigger an immune response within the body. Evidence shows that this weakened part of the organism will not cause it to form on the vaccinated person. (World Health Organization: WHO, 2020) When the person receives the first dose, or the antigen for the first time, it will take time for the body to respond, and during this time, the person is vulnerable to getting weak. Some may experience fever, headaches, fatigue, and pain in the injected area.

It is possible that one infected before or after can still develop and get the virus. The cells in the body create many distinct types of proteins that help you stay healthy. Studies show that the mRNA of the vaccine holds supply cells that help level up the protein that is specific to the virus. When a person receives their vaccine, their immune system stores this information, which aids in the prevention of severe viral complications.

The Johnson and Johnson vaccine has been authorized to only require one dose. However, Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna need two doses. Although these vaccines need more than one dose, some do not provide as much immunity as possible, which is why some vaccines need boosters to bring the immunity levels up. (Seladi-Schulman, 2021).

Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna provoke a weak immune response when given only one dose. There was a stronger response when a second dose was added. Some examples of vaccines that require double doses are hepatitis A and B, and the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine. Pfizer and Moderna are not the only ones who need two doses; AstraZeneca, Novavax, Sputnik V, and Coronavac also need two. (Understanding How Vaccines Work, 2021) 

In my current location, 92 percent of the population has received all of their vaccinations.Things have slowly gone back to pre-COVID. Large gatherings have been allowed if one presents their vaccination card. Recently, we went to a few concerts by Sponge-Cola, Angeline Quinto, December Avenue, and Alicia Keys. Because of the Filipino community, with the first three, it certainly felt like I was back home. It all felt normal, except for the part where everyone was wearing masks.

Overall, the vaccines are the key to normalcy. We all need vaccines to prevent diseases. Although some of these will weaken us at the start, they will help us avoid severe complications from the virus. If some may need more than one dose to be effective, we need to do it if it will keep us safe.

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