What I Want to Become in Life (Essay Sample)

📌Category: Goals, Life
📌Words: 625
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 02 July 2022

My experiences throughout life contributed to my background, identity, and future talents that lead me to become who I am today. I consider myself a great student who understands the importance of character, education, and a positive attitude. I am from a strong family that believes in the power of arduous work and prayer. I come from a school that demonstrates fortitude, leadership, and achievement every day which makes me thrive throughout my life on the outside of the school. The years I spent in high school served as an opportunity to discover whom I want to become, what it means to be a student-athlete, and my unique personality.

Whom I wish to become. When I was 11 years old, my Uncle Rico died due to a cardiac arrest; this shocking moment in my life inspired me to become a cardiologist. At age 14, I promised myself to do everything I could to ensure I fulfilled my dream, so I started reading books, researching world-renowned cardiologists, and learning the science of the heart. My goal is to attend a college/university that will help me reach the career of my dreams. This will eventually allow me to attend a college with a promising medical school. My Grade Point Average has earned me the opportunity to be selected as a delegate for my school at the Congress of Future Medical Leaders and I know this opportunity will allow me to widen my perspective on the possibilities at my fingertips.  

What it means to be a student athlete. As a student-athlete, I take part in basketball. Being a student-athlete will undeniably translate to my destiny fulfillment. When I reached a higher level of education, I began to excel in the classroom as well as on the basketball court, I went beyond my limits to achieve success, and becoming a commanding leader at such an early age. Extracurricular activities persuade me to control my time and try to obtain better schooling whilst living a healthy way of life. It also lets me interact and practice communicating well with others with sportsmanship and camaraderie. Those components could be carried into my destiny and could improve by man or woman. Being an athlete allows me to manage time by means of working hard in college and participating in sports. While in college, college students should learn how to allocate their time nicely among their research and extracurricular activities. As I extend my career in basketball, I plan to end up as a significant part of your program.

Regarding my personal qualities, I am a person who is enthusiastic, easy to sympathize with, an excellent leader, and passionate. As I look forward to what God has in store for my loved ones and myself, I see myself flourishing every day. In terms of my leadership skills, I have the potential ability to communicate clearly, motivate my team, handle and delegate responsibilities, listen to feedback, and have the flexibility to solve problems in an ever-changing workplace. My greatest passion is personal growth, which I utilize by defining my goals, prioritizing them, creating a personal growth plan, and implementing my personal growth plan to acquire new skills and knowledge. These could aim at improving my character, enhancing my skill set, or strengthening my abilities such as individuals as myself try to achieve emotional control, get better at communicating, be able to create boundaries, make tough decisions, and achieve personal satisfaction.

In closing, the years I spent in high school served as an opportunity to discover who I am and the path I want to take in life, what it means to be a scholar-athlete and my unique personality. As a result of the goals, I set for myself I strive to improve each day to achieve them. It is my strong belief that God has a plan for my life and my family. The barriers that will become involved in my life will be overcome. I hope to utilize your resources at your university to provide the steps for me to become successful.

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