My Personal Hero Essay Example

📌Category: Hero, Life
📌Words: 291
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 19 August 2022

My personnel hero is a man named Elon Musk. He has inspired me in countless ways, due to his great character traits and the contributions he has made to society. His character traits symbolize his leadership and determination and his contributions to humanity have been so immense that they have shaped the world. 

First, I highly admire his character traits and how he uses them in the real world. With his character traits of perseverance, emotional strength, boldness, and leadership, Elon Musk helped create and progress various internationally recognized companies, such as eBay, PayPal, Tesla, and SpaceX. Alongside these great achievements, he has also used his character traits to help lift up these companies in tough times.

Second, the contributions Elon Musk has made to the modern generation are simply astounding. He has created a better environment for all with his green vehicles, paving the way for a better environment, built better future tech to promote more convenience in our daily lives, and recently, with SpaceX, he has enhanced human exploration by sending humans and spaceships into the beyond. Not just has he done all these fascinating and incredible things, he has also, in the midst of doing so, influenced the modern generation greatly, creating inspiration that could lead to a brighter future for humanity.

Elon Musk is my personal hero, because of two main reasons. He is highly intellectual, which led him to create eBay and PayPal, which made him affluent. Then, he used this money to do two things. He created Tesla, which helped mend the environment with its electric-powered transportation, and he built SpaceX. With SpaceX, Elon Musk used his hard-earned cash to achieve higher human advancement with space exploration and at the same time, had fun.

Elon Musk is my personal hero because of his leadership and perseverance character traits, his impact on human society, and his influence towards a better future for humanity.

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