Developing a Professional Growth Plan (Personal Essay Sample)

📌Category: Goals, Life, Myself
📌Words: 651
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 28 September 2022

My Professional Growth plan derives from the socioeconomic factors, language barriers and individual learning styles that are the foundation for the diverse learning needs in my (Ms. Wolfe) 1st grade classroom, at Williston School District #7, class size 23students, elementary size over 500 students that is.  My goal long term is to create a psychologically safe classroom where my students flourish, develop, engage, problem solve, understand and learn.  

Measurable short-term goals

  1. Circle Time gives the students a voice to address any social and emotional concerns that may have developed.  Incorporate the P.E.A.C.E process of problem-solving in the morning circle time, every day (Bailey, 2014, p.316).
  2. Wishing Well Ritual at the end of each day, student support each other, offer love and caring to one another. Students express who in their life needs loving thoughts.  To wish well 1) make a heart with their hands 2) place over your heart 3) send it into the air for the recipient to receive 4) teacher sends wishing well to each student until the next day we are together. Research songs to add to Wishing Well Ritual.  Collaborate with co-workers the pros and cons of using this ritual (Bailey, 2014, p.281).
  3. Safe Place an area that is created to as a safe zone for students who may become frustrated and need to calm down and need a time out.  To use Safe place 1) let teacher know that you are going there 2) Use at least 1 calming technique posted on the wall 3) do number 2 over if needed 4) resume back to class when calm and ready to learn.  Research calming techniques, find posters to put on wall, add pillows to sit on, find a place that other students will not bother the student utilizing the Safe Place.   

The second long term goal is to utilize Google Classroom as a tool to enrich student learning by incorporating it into 2 lessons a week to enhancing the learning of visual, auditable and hands-on learners.

Measurable short-term goals

  1. Create a formal assessment using a survey asking students the best way they feel that they learn.  This assessment will give me an insight of how my students believe they learn. 5 minutes making the survey and 5 minutes to explain the survey and administer it.  Informal assessment watching and studying the students. On going throughout the year.  Adjusting students when needed.
  2. Integrate Google Classroom into my lessons and classroom. It is essential to research lessons online to incorporate in my google classroom. The lessons researched need to align with the North Dakota State Common Core Standards before being implemented into the classroom.   The focus is on the visual, auditable and hands-on learners. The time for this is 10 minutes weekly during planning time. Collaboration with district technology department will be crucial throughout the school year on classes offered by them that relate to google classroom since new technology is developing every day.
  3. Incorporate Kahoot!  Kahoot is an educational game-based learning program that the user uses to create multi-choice quizzes.  Research Kahoot, align with North Dakota Core Standards.  Sign up for an online Kahoot class and talk to co-workers about Kahoot. How did they utilize it in their classroom? Timeline for Kahoot short-term goal is 10 hours to complete this part and 10-minute planning time each week for incorporating into lessons.  This program will foster social and emotional learning, critical thinking, increase student participation, and motivate students.

In conclusion, making and achieving my long and short-term goals will help my classroom management, technology skills, organization, time allowance.  Having a long-term goal and breaking it down to short-term goals make if feasible to achieve the goals and not feel overwhelmed.  My professional growth plan will improve my instructional growth through making goal and self-reflection.


Bailey, B.A. (2014). Conscious Discipline. Loving Guidance.

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