Essay Sample on Long Term Goals

📌Category: Goals, Life
📌Words: 446
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 15 April 2022

Setting long term goals is such a stress full thing. Teenagers already have so much to worry about, from school to activities outside of school. When the time is right to set a long term job goal than the goal will be set but till then teenagers should not be putting on so much stress from long term goals to land a dream job. 

When someone already has so much stress on their backs why should they add more from long time goal setting when it probably end up like they wanted it to. For example, " trying to fit old thinking into new situations is discouraging, stressful, and demotivating. And it slows you down"(glasscube 2). The examples shows how bad it is to set a goal for the future you can be bad, it's not like future you thinks that same way you did months ago which will lead to a failed goal. Setting a goal is no where near to coming up is one of the worst things you can do to your self.

Argument 2: People shouldn't set long time goals if the event isn't anywhere near happening, it's just more stress piling up on them. Just like it says in this article, "The great thing about taking a short term approach is that it focusses your mind on immediate actions, which tend to be more motivating, deliver more immediate results and to encourage creative thinking" (glasscube 1). The example is showing us how someone should get a short term goal that can easily be achieved than a long term goal that is far away from happening. So instead let the future shape together for you.

Everyone should let the future shape itself. No one knows what will happen in the future so let your future come to you instead of you driving yourself crazy trying to make this perfect future that obviously no one can achieve. For example instead of trying to make goal for the future you should make short goals and achieve them and go on from that letting the future shape together for you. Like the example tells us we should not stress ourselves out with long term goal setting instead let the future shape itself to save us from the stress of it piling up. Overall the future can be put together without the stressful long term goal setting. 

Conclusion: Overall many people may disagree with me but that's okay because everyone has a different look at things. Setting long term goals to land a dream job is one of the most stressful plan a teenager could make for themselves, so they should instead let everything come to them to save them from the amount of stress that can be caused from that. Therefore setting long-term goals to land a dream job is gonna give you so much unneeded stress that you shouldn't have.

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