Argumentative Essay Sample Against Homework in Schools

📌Category: Education, Homework
📌Words: 796
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 14 June 2022

Friends and fellow classmates, I stand before you to talk about a matter that really breaks my heart: the crime of giving school children homework! All of us have so much time sucked up in our education, that once we get home we almost have spent the same amount of time at school as our parents spent at their work. After we get home we ought to do a lot of homework, instead of using this time to rest and spend time with our friends. We have to sit in our room, working. And our parents have the freedom of spending their time at home anyway they want to. We poor school children have to do homework or we are forced to spend more time at school as a punishment. We go to school for about 6 hours, sometimes there are in between hours, yet in those hours, it is practically impossible to do all of the homework they got. Most teachers give tons of  homework. When we finish all of the homework there is no time left to spend with our friends.

I am a typical teenager and my weeks consist of 30 hours of school, 7 hours of physical activities, 8 hours at a part time job, 10 hours family time, 70 hours sleep – add to this the recommended homework by the Victorian Education Department and there actually is not enough hours in the week – and if you added stress of homework, it does not allow children to give their full attention to all the things that will help them to become a more rounded adult. In my eyes homework is more of a hindrance than it is help, it causes stress within families, cuts back the hours for extracurricular activities and is having a negative effect on children’s achievement and development.

Too much homework can profoundly affect students’ physical and mental health profoundly. Some of the results of heavy assignments are getting headaches, sleep loss, and weight loss. According to researchers at Stanford, up to 56% of students regard doing homework as the main reason behind anxiety and fatigue. The fear of handing a homework in, causes students like us to be stressed and work all night just for this one assignment. And sometimes you think that this one assignment can have a negative impact on your life - but in reality it doesn’t, never has and never will. 

What’s worse is that students like me use the internet to answer the questions without us answering it using our brain. Research shows that 58% of students use the internet to answer their homeworks. Do you know what this means? More than 50% of students don’t learn from homework. They don’t learn from anything because they don’t take any information from homework when they use the internet. 

Also homework should be banned especially for athletes. One of the reasons is that they train nearly everyday which indicates that they don’t have time for useless nonsense or in-short homework. If athletes constantly keep receiving homework this would cause them to either be late or miss their practice or they either get no grade as a result of no homework. Athletes get pressured the most when it comes to homework and A ban on homework or minimal homework provides students with the chance to appreciate finer things in life, such as music and literature. They might even find that they have an undiscovered talent. 

There are some countries that banned homework, one is Finland. However, 93% of their students go to college compared to our country where 79% of our students go to college. 14% is a big difference and if homework didn’t exist then our percentage would have increased. And still school thinks that homework benefits us. But overall it is a drawback that restraints us from learning.

Furthermore, Students aren’t the only ones that are affected by homework - teachers too. From all day talking and standing teaching delinquents to marking homework, is too much for teachers. Teachers will have less time to relax because of marking more homeworks, this means that they will have less free time to be with their family or friends. 

Despite the fact that homework brings tons of drawbacks, It also has benefits for all of us. One of the benefits is that if you have nothing to do homework comes in handy. Instead of playing games all day, you could recap all the things you have learnt that day. It could also develop a sense of independence because, When students finish their home tasks alone, they feel informed, and that induces independence. For many children, homework is the first time they have a responsibility all their own. It’s up to them to bring it home. It’s up to them to do the work. And it’s up to them to see that the work gets back to school. From the moment the teacher gives the assignment to the moment it is turned in again, the responsibility rests on your children’s shoulders. It is important for you to realize that this is a responsibility that has a tremendous impact on your children’s lives.

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